I was in the gummi’s briefly, I’m looking to get in contact with the druid tank if anyone has contacts with him as he’s the only person I ever remember talking to.
Looking for members of Divine Storm.
- Styxnstones - Warlock
- Badtodabone (Matrix) - Rogue
Add Voorhees#1959 with a note or reply here!
Yo i was in that guild troll hunter Jahrakalj. Havent seen these names in so long the nostalgia is kicking in.
ill never forget leveling all night in Scarlet dungeons with you, lorica and allihunter =D
Hey Jahrakalj, what are your plans for classic? Have you stayed in touch with anyone from the guild?
What server are you playing on? Hadoken you’re playing with Stabsfast on the same server?
I remember you! Dodging gankers in Nagrand back in BC!
Any1 remember Kawhoom or Noble Europeans? (TBC)
I was Tigercat in the guild Family Affairs so if Grucilla or Drucilla sees this let me know. Of course all the other Family members please hit me up.
I played a Blood elf paladin who was most likely named Attoonn or some variation of that name. I played with a bunch of goons who twinked level 70 pvp. I don’t remember the guild name, but there were a couple of people who branched off into a joke guild called The Trugs Family Business. Also played with a dude named Eaglewarrior.
I see so many names I remember. I played an Undead Rogue in Vicious Cycle called Hordegasm. I will be rolling Horde on Fairbanks, but mage this time around. Hope to see you all there. Wolf riders assemble!
<3 Kigami Hadoken, Etna, Musshovel, All of Anathema Sky, Last Ascension , Voluntary Manslaughter , Angry Carebears and of course Vicious Cycle.
Here is some nostalgia from way back. Very nice to see a lot of you coming back for classic.
<3 good times, good memories!
if there are any old Nub Turtles out there, some of the old gang will be playing on Skeram! Hit me up regardless, cherrypop#1146
Konigfolge - undead warrior.
Was one of the two Australians on Agga (before we had our own servers). Floated around, mainly PVP. Was in Divine Storm and CCP for a while.
Orneryboy and Stipe where you at??
I was an Undead Rogue Named Blood I’m looking for a guy named Hellpocalypse. We were in a guild together and I was a young little crap for a while LOL.
Also there was this rogue who could kick my butt 20 levels lower than me during BC. If that rings a bell reach out to me. Lots of good times with both of you!
Ahala was another one. Me and my buddy Nahimana used to play with you a lot. Reach out if you are planning on playing Classic!
Where’s my DarkStorm/Vicious Cycle peeps at?
-Signed best Hunter in the Game, Whisker
Hey Arlenna - I remember playing with you a long time ago in ZG and TBC. Herk - Druid
Herk!!! Yes I remember you!! We’d love to say hi again in game sometime! CCP is still trying to figure out what server we will land on—we are all old people, many with intense jobs and/or kids, so we are basically just looking for the least crowded server to spend a few hours a week together on once this thing all shakes out, lol. Currently most of us are saved on Incendius and Grobbulus in addition to some of the early ones (Herod, Thalnos).
Hey!! I remember you too Konigfolge!
- konigfolge
Hey Arlenna!
Also queue position currently 6341. Rats.