Agamaggan Alliance Reconnections

Came in right at the start of tbc, Aof lol whatever my child mind could think of. Main toon name was Aofsavior. Ne hunter!

Sweet jumping jehovah ! dude add me my battlenet is above. Look forward to talking with you man

ok man one sec

sup man i remember ya

Remember you for sure!

Lost track of Dwarvensnipe but used to play with him a lot.

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Edit: forgot to mention Sedated NE warrior

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Funkhouser Dwarf Warrior

I played one of the tanks in Lord of the Horde. I did some PvE and PvP, didnt get super far. I was hoping to run into some of my old guild mates. I remember running everything from Sunken Temple to Molten Core with Noobendizzle and Killswitch. I also remember a Dwarf Paladin named Gunde who I PvP’d with pre-60. Would be cool to run into some of you guys again.


Edit it’s tasa/altos. You should add me to battlenet. I put it in my post above.

Annabelle was an asian that got GM right? I was same guiild !!!

Elistevens Human paladin

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Your name sounds so familar

Anyone Raided with Meezer and Classified?

I raided Naxx with his guild on Agamaggan before BC

Was Annabella Female Human ?

Yes she was

Maclethal, sweet Jesus that’s not a name I’ve heard in years.

Xegony here, sup bud.

We were in Underoath.

Hey, fellow Orc Splitters Local 101 member here! Haven’t heard the name Dwarvensnipe in a long time.

I played as Warrior tank named Dunkelberger from BC all the way up through most of Cata.

Snyder, Kaeloman, Derus, Robercopper, and I will be playing classic together on Herod. We’re still kicking around possible guild names, but we might bring the OSL name back to life!

Kyomaa, from Underoath. :smiley:

Amonn Human Shadow Priest
I think Onslaught was the guild name
I remember a Priest and her significant other played a hunter, also a dwarf priest named rabbith or something. Also I there was a rogue I used to pvp with Wish I remembered names



Raided with Genesis and then Onslaught, and pvped with Disbanded when Sparkies was doing his GM run. This thread has been a blast from the past!


Any Letum Prenuntius guild members still playing?

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