cant for the life of me remember my guild
pottermc - NE priest
buzznickle - 19 twink rogue
cant for the life of me remember my guild
pottermc - NE priest
buzznickle - 19 twink rogue
Name - Parvins
Race - Gnome
Class - Rogue
Guild - Wrath
Fun fact - Grand Marshall
19 Twink NE Shadow Priest - I don’t remember the name - Exeus maybe?
Name: Jaiden
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
I truly forget the guild we were all in but I remember several names of the people we raided with, the guild might have been named “Wrath”
Meezer, Yolo, Paula, Paradyne, Delusional, Classified, Parvins
Hit me up
NE rogue, feler, use to be in FS…
Eomeyr Human Paladin, GreatestGuild and Blacklist just before TBC. I strongly remember getting destroyed in Alterac Valley every day by the Tauren Warrior Songbull and his pocket healers
wow, haven’t thought about a lot of these old guilds in a long time. was in loth (lord of the horde) back then. jhelom - human paladin
Sup man! Lz was by far worse and he constantly cheated, especially when he would duel me naked.
-Myx, NE Druid, Disbanded
Myx and Toc say hi!
“That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time… A long time.” -Obi Wan
Hello from the past.
Myx - NE Druid, Disbanded
Killerella, I was a human priest
You better remake him
Hadoken, wow there’s memories.
Hello fellow Agamagganites! I started playing WOW in 2006 just a couple of months before TBC. I was a member of Orcsplitters Local IOI starting in 2007. I was a filthy casual, so I didn’t raid but I loved that guild. I would love to find some of the old team and hook up. Are any OSLers out there?
NE hunter
I remember throwing down with that nasty troll plenty of times on my ret paladin.
Dude Bolivar!
Paedin - Long time man!
I remember you dude! was in both guilds, Frog is my brother irl. I played a few characters back then had a pally named Rowe.
Allanth - human rogue
Was in Onslaught for a minute, went to Last Ascension then followed them to Ysondre. Don’t know what happened to them. Vexed and Shylar!?
Kadar - NE Hunter
I was in a few different guilds
Mägodeoz: Human Mage
Drakengard: Draenei shaman (TBC)
Guilds: Dissension, Priorato de Sion and Friends List
Used to play with Odeth, Giarus, Rioske, Misato (Gozato), Onilink, Aszhami…
Hope I can contact you guys!
Hello all! Definitely remembering some names posted in here!
Verboom, human paladin.
I was the pally class leader for Arcana Imperii back in the day.