Agamaggan Alliance Reconnections

cant for the life of me remember my guild

pottermc - NE priest
buzznickle - 19 twink rogue

Name - Parvins
Race - Gnome
Class - Rogue
Guild - Wrath
Fun fact - Grand Marshall

19 Twink NE Shadow Priest - I don’t remember the name - Exeus maybe?

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Name: Jaiden
Race: Human
Class: Rogue

I truly forget the guild we were all in but I remember several names of the people we raided with, the guild might have been named “Wrath”

Meezer, Yolo, Paula, Paradyne, Delusional, Classified, Parvins

Hit me up :slight_smile:


NE rogue, feler, use to be in FS…

Eomeyr Human Paladin, GreatestGuild and Blacklist just before TBC. I strongly remember getting destroyed in Alterac Valley every day by the Tauren Warrior Songbull and his pocket healers


wow, haven’t thought about a lot of these old guilds in a long time. was in loth (lord of the horde) back then. jhelom - human paladin

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Sup man! Lz was by far worse and he constantly cheated, especially when he would duel me naked.

-Myx, NE Druid, Disbanded

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Myx and Toc say hi!

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“That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time… A long time.” -Obi Wan

Hello from the past.
Myx - NE Druid, Disbanded

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Killerella, I was a human priest

You better remake him

Hadoken, wow there’s memories.


Hello fellow Agamagganites! I started playing WOW in 2006 just a couple of months before TBC. I was a member of Orcsplitters Local IOI starting in 2007. I was a filthy casual, so I didn’t raid but I loved that guild. I would love to find some of the old team and hook up. Are any OSLers out there?

NE hunter


I remember throwing down with that nasty troll plenty of times on my ret paladin.


Dude Bolivar!

Paedin - Long time man!


I remember you dude! was in both guilds, Frog is my brother irl. I played a few characters back then had a pally named Rowe.


Allanth - human rogue

Was in Onslaught for a minute, went to Last Ascension then followed them to Ysondre. Don’t know what happened to them. Vexed and Shylar!?

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Kadar - NE Hunter
I was in a few different guilds

Mägodeoz: Human Mage
Drakengard: Draenei shaman (TBC)
Guilds: Dissension, Priorato de Sion and Friends List

Used to play with Odeth, Giarus, Rioske, Misato (Gozato), Onilink, Aszhami…
Hope I can contact you guys!

Hello all! Definitely remembering some names posted in here!

Verboom, human paladin.
I was the pally class leader for Arcana Imperii back in the day.