Again with the stealth bugs Blizz

FIX VANISH DROPPING FROM RANDOM BS. For the love of Christ, I burn 2 vanishes in wpvp and keep getting pulled out of them cause of some BS with the dots I have applied. Why are you idiots so incompetent? How has this issue not been resolved already? Same issues every xpac, in fact it only gets worse. I have nothing for you people other than disgust and bitter disappointment.

This is 100% a rage post, I’m fuming and I hope the blizz dev that is actively ignoring these issues is aware how much the rogue community loathes them.


What doest it means? Don’t like when I’m in Epic BG and something breaks steals always, It’s very strange, I’m standing far enough away from the crowd to be hit by area effects, it’s just as if the Stealth turns off and I’m standing like this in a field all of a sudden.

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this happens a lot also, I haven’t the slightest idea why though.

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Welcome to Rogue life.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I used to think this was my biggest problem until now… probably 5% of the time I can’t drop combat for minutes at a time. Even after death / rez. I just run around praying nobody targets me until vanish CD then I burn it so I can mount. Oddly enough Shadowmeld does not seem to fix the problem to get me out of combat but it does make me stealth. So I can Shadowmeld and just stand there until Vanish CD. Any movement I lose stealth but am still in combat. But that strategy relies on nobody in the whole game throwing an AOE.

I guess maybe if you create a bigger problem then people are less worried about the other problem?

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its because a lot of abilities have hidden modifiers, such as “unlimited range” which knocks us out of stealth no matter where you and them are.

Another problem is abilities that ARE in range but shouldnt hit you because you’re in stealth, dont see that you’re actually in stealth and hit you anyways when it shouldnt. its entirely on blizzard to fix it and we know how lazy they are.

I mean cloak of shadows has been broken since like DF season 3 and magical snares STILL snare us when cloak is up all the time.

It took blizzard to fix a good portion of stealth dropping in DF like 2 seasons or so

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