Which has everyone been running? I’ve been trying out Aftershock after what feels like years of Surge of Power being the better choice. Both because of Deeply Rooted Elements procs, and because of ascension’s stronger overloads with Mountains Will Fall
Idk why but I feel like I get a higher rate of DRE procs when I spend maelstrom using Earthquake.
It was Aftershock even before with Farseer Fire Ele build because Earth Shock is our hardest hitting ablility. And now because you mentioned it Mountains Will Fall procs DRE so that’s why it’s even better now.
Surge of Power is the way to go with lightning build so you Earth Shock before Tempest for extra Overload.
Aftershock. Maelstrom generator that requires less thought and has less frictional gameplay. I’ve played both about equally but Surge of Power is too bothersome
SoP got nerfed in single target so aftershock has been the play. Despite allowing Tempest to benefit from SoP on Friday right as the PTR went down before the patch released they nerfed SoP by only giving Lighting Bolt (and Tempest) 1 additional overload instead of 2. Aftershock comes ahead of SoP in most cases since you need to align the stars with banking two Tempest procs going into every Ascendance window to SoP each one to pull ahead. This also stands to be the case in M+
Aftershock. Surge of Power is both more annoying to play around and has less returns. SoP is in a real bad place at the moment and I just can’t find any reason to justify going for it. There was a brief window where I was planning to go for it to get two overloads on Tempest, but then Blizzard preemptively nerfed that and that quickly buried that idea.