After you complete your monthly reward goals, maybe give a little additional Trader's Tender

for each additional task you complete

Usually I get the rewards in the first few days of each month, and after that I still get prompts to complete the tasks, why not give a little reward for the extra tasks completed, only one tenth

Maybe 10 trade bids for each additional mission?

After I completed my goal, having prompts to complete the mission pop up (even without any reward) was very frustrating and inconsistent with normal game design philosophy. . I have to admit that monthly rewards are much easier than Fallout 76。But even so. When I complete all the monthly rewards for 76 and dbd (the process is painful and long), I will still get a small amount of atomic points for each level, emphasis: a small amount

As it exists, the monthly rewards are enough.

I would like to see them add Tenders to major achievements. Maybe tenders for hitting 2-2.5k in M+, clearing Heroic and Mythic raids during the current season, etc.

Something like that I would be ok with.

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why is it capped anyway. i did the thing. put the tender in the bag!


Another person who misses the point of the system. Hurray.