After Xelnath and Warlocks

We should have had a class quest in Legion where we talk to the Eredar Warlocks on Argus to further our control of demons and warlock magics. Would have been the perfect time to upgrade pets and other warlock related things!


I was disappointed when the devs decided against continuing class quests. They added a unique flavor to each class and while many of the Vanilla class quests did not adequately reward completion (green instead of blue items, etc) it was fun to be able to do them.

BfA’s affliction lock is … imho unplayable (although I don’t have the expac, played the beta, which as you probably know, was the release).


It’s just so dull, and hits like a wet noodle. You put in so much effort to barely do what destro does in less the work.

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It says something that people still talk about the MoP warlock design and how fun it was to play. How many years ago was that? How many xpacs?
No doubt, MoP warlock was fun. The best class I ever played in WoW. They systematically dismantled it after Xel left and learned nothing from the acclaim that his design was lauded for.


They hate him too much to want to ever admit the glory he brought our class.

This is what happens in deeply corporate, sterile environments. They’re actively filtering for less talented people by prioritizing their values on social animal things not on product value.

Many a sterile corporate world looks like this which is why most major corporate IT offices are full of guest workers. Those jobs have been unappealing to Americans for years now.

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Its like the current dev team is awesome at numbers and spreadsheets, but are clueless about fun.

  • K