After Waterstrider will Blizzard nerf all older mount functions?

Yes, it’s just like someone taking a sandwich from you and giving you some meat between two pieces of bread. It’s like having your pizza taken away and given another pizza. How could I be so blind?

If you want people to agree with you, or understand the point you’re trying to make, it is your problem if you come across incoherent. Don’t jump up and down and spit and toss your feces while expecting everyone to understand why you’re so upset.

Spiders are unnatural just like pickles. Don’t be a pervert!

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Most definitely a nerf. Today all my toons, and even new toons I roll, can ride on water by using my water strider.

The day the changes go into effect, none of my toons will be able to ride on water. I will have to buy equipment for each toon that wants to ride on water. It is per toon. If I want to choose a different mount function I will have to destroy the item and replace it with another item, the way gemming works. Per toon.

Streamers suggested this system ages ago. But the suggestion was to have different slots for different functions. So you could have the water walking function and then add a whatever (parachute for example) function without losing water walking and having to go to the vendor and rebuy it.

In typical modern blizzard fashion, they managed to take a great idea that gave you something to work towards and totally gut it into garbage.


I, for one, am looking forward to creating a water walking Ratstallion. /thread

And the same thing will be true once 8.2 goes live if they have the free/cheap item equipped.

Yes. Just like now aside from the nominal cost of the item which you can purchase in bulk and send to your 40k alts on day 1 of 8.2. Remind me again the current procedure for changing your mount function?

So their solution wouldn’t solve the problem of certain mounts being OP because of their base abilities. You would still need a Sky Golem or water strider if you wanted to water walk + non-daze + parachute + pick herbs. The new system lets you use the mount you want to do whatever you want. This is better.

That’s totally, like, your opinion man! I’m looking forward to taking that stupid bug off my bars and out of my favorites list.

It might not take weeks now but when they were introduced it did. Dont diminish the efforts it took others to get it, that’s just shameful.

So? It happens… I spent my time unlocking all of the allied races but then next thing you know 50% of the people on the forums are complaining and telling Blizzard to lower the requirements. Next thing you know, they do and now its easy mode.
Atleast you got a few years of exclusive use out of your waterstrider before they allowed everyone to walk on water.

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This is actually just like what they did to the classes. They took away abilities just so they could give them back as talents, pvp talents, or artifact abilities.

Whether this equipment system is a gain, loss or something in between is actually, in my opinion, dependent upon how the items like the leatherworkers’ barding, or the blacksmiths’ stirrups work with this new system. If these items work as normal and we get new versions next xpac, fine, but if not then this is a net loss.


Nothing? Literally nothing? They send you an item in the mail, you click on it, and your life is restored to exactly how it was pre-8.2. What did they do? Please? Please tell me?

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Then you guys must be on weird servers.

On the servers I frequent, I only ever see water striders if someone is actively crossing water and isn’t a DK or Shaman. People pretty much never use the mount otherwise when they don’t have an active reason to cross water.

You are late to the game. My original post was prior to that really becoming common knowledge with that Blue post (see below):

Don’t trust them. They lie all the time.

They have been trying to nerf waterstrider for three straight expansions. That shows their priority list when they have known bugs from BFA alpha still on live.


Nerfs are what they focus on/excel at. It will not change anytime soon.


Mounts have expiration dates now. We just don’t know when they are, a list would be nice but we will never get one. So I am just going to act like all mounts added in the future have a expiration date and not bother grinding them or buying them, whats the point now.


This is exactly what they’re doing. They’re slowly removing things, just a little here and there, because if they did it all at once people would revolt.

In this case not everyone HAS the Strider so there are plenty of apologists willing to argue that it’s a good thing because they either think they’re going to be getting it easier (not going to happen) or they’re just tired of seeing people who do have it and want to see them lose theirs.

Since I’m too lazy to go grind the rep for the mount, I don’t want anyone to have it

But I promise, this is just the beginning. And by the time all the apologists realize what’s actually happening, it’ll be too late.


Old thread, but still relevant.

I love how people don’t think mount equipment is an issue or think that a mount losing its base ability is somehow okay.

And why people are okay with this part, is beyond me:

So all new players are just screwed unless they use a boost, eh? Good to know. Especially when the water strider was available before level 100.

Mount classes would’ve been a better solution if they didn’t think about the fact that they could take this equipment off of us later. But since it’s something they could easily take away and gate if they wanted… don’t be surprised if they do.

This game keeps taking steps backwards instead of forward. It’s tiresome.


This is something I didn’t know. So what you’re saying is…

Your low-level alts won’t be able to use water walking at all, because the system doesn’t even unlock on a character until level 100?

Do I have that right?

You have to unlock it on one character. Then all alts will have it. That’s why I mentioned new players getting screwed.

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Thanks for lowering my blood pressure a tad.

But just a tad.

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LOL you’re welcome. :wink::blue_heart:


Not going to be a bit surprised, if they eventually nerf, or remove the transmog npc off the grand expedition mount, and replace it with some irrelevant npc, and make everyone go to Sw, or org to mog gear lol. Oh no’s not everyone likes the the ge yak, so we better add a transmog equipment piece so every mount can have a transmog npc lol.


This is one of a couple of ways they could go. It’s not a stretch at all to imagine them nerfing all the special utility mounts (yaks, golem, swimming mounts, etc.), so they all lose their specials and players have to rely on clunky and expensive mount equipment to get their functions back.

Another route they could take would be to just abandon the mount equipment concept altogether when the next expac hits. They would most likely provide some kind of “streamlining the game” or “we’re looking into new ways to do this” spin, but it would really just be a prune.

The end result? They’d finally be rid of players’ ability to skip annoying content by water walking altogether. I expect they will nerf/eliminate all water walking potions as well.

Since the strider mounts have been their nemesis for so long, I believe the second option is the more likely one, but time will tell.