I don’t pay attention to Mythic +; I just wanted to go and get the achievements for Mythic Mists and Wake for the Shadowlands meta and found myself dying horribly by not noticing the scaling at first.
Mists and Necrotic Wake will revert, but Theatre of Pain wont be available once season 2 starts as that dungeon will now be in the season 2 dungeon pool.
Yeah I had it in the back of my mind that one of the other Shadowlands dungeons was going to be in season 2 but couldn’t remember which one it was. I ran all the other dungeons for the achievement so I didn’t get stuck with the same problem next season.
Glad to know it reverts; ty!
Yeah I hope so, I need to farm that NW mount.
Wait there’s a mount from NW? Huh, I either forgot about it or had no idea in the first place.