After so many years, High Elf* time!

General;y siege weapons in WoW are unmanned(as an example ~ Heck, this has been the case since Warcraft 2 but we still consider them a “unit” of the Alliance/later night elves. Really, one assumes ballistas are manned but due to Blizzard’s laziness/concous decision they are unmanned but we are suppose to assume they are manned and are not acting of their own volition.


yes yes lot of assumption there.

I’m just saying that is a real stretch to say who brought that with how little is there.

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Which I think is fine, so long as they are enjoying themselves.
Video games are a source of entertainment after all.

Thus would I then be the presumptive one, and so apologize.

I do try to be, but of our perceptions and preconceptions are we all victims.

Fair, and appreciated. I know at least one whom disdaineth this dramatis persona such that aught in the way of points I make are as ignored as was the potential for high waves at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.


Because that is the only explanation.

It was a high elven balista. Also, being siege weapons in Warcraft are race coded we can tell who brought which siege weapons.

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So your telling me the blood elves, who have all but rejected the use of blue motifs and know the know the color blue represents the Alliance decided to recolor their siege weapons blue?


for all we know they were some old stock in Silvermoon that hadn’t been repainted.

My theory is that they had just used them in the Blood Elf Heritage quest and they were handy so someone tossed them in.

They were there. That’s all we know, if they wanted them to mean something like that you’d think there would be even a little more like a couple SC hanging around in a different phase of the scenario. As it is they and Vereesa feel like afterthoughts, and Vereesa is probably mainly there because it is her sister.

they could be SC, but it is nowhere near as factual as the wiki tries to make it

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They definitely are beholden to the Kirin’tor, otherwise they themselves would have acted in defense of Theramore without the vote of council members. They live in the Kirin’tor ruled city of Dalaran, they are a Kirin’tor sub-branch. They are in favor of the Alliance, and they have supported the Alliance in neutral actions, which the last-man standing attack on Sylvanas in Orgrimmar could very well also be classified as, as that last attack was a coalition of Alliance and Horde members, as a matter of fact, it was all other Horde leaders against Sylvanas and then some of the Alliance, so definitely a neutral affair which the Kirin’tor gladly lends their help with.

The Silver Covenant was also granted permission to house and aid the Alliance against the scourge, hence why you see them active during that campaign.

Also, Vereesa Windrunner and Alleria Windrunner is obviously going to be a part of a storyline involving Sylvanas Windrunner whenever possible, it kinda lies in the family name.

After so many years, still no High Elves.

Now they seem further away than ever…

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Or again, Blizzard just got lazy and didn’t add more NPCs to an already heavily crowded event. Also, considering elves are prideful lot I doubt they would use said balista without at least coloring them red first.

Well duh she was there because of Sylvanas but she has always had a grudge against the Horde and have attacked them on multiple occasions. Even trying to kill(half heartedly but still) Rommath back in Legion.

  1. we never saw her thought, for all we know if Dalaran officially did not join the fight she might have still gone and fought, second, she was the husband of its ruler. I think she had the good sense to at least wait for her husband to decided what to do.

Suffice to say both Alliance/Horde leaning members are still free to support their chosen faction whether dalaran wants it or not. Their “neutrality” just basically no one can fight in the streets of Dalaran due to the factions.

No, they are not, not without authorization from the council member leaders.

Again, the Kirin’tor council leaders had to all agree to send help to Theramore, and they decided sending a Sunreaver to aid in its defenses.

The Sunreavers and The Silver Covenant needed authorization, it is so freaking obvious and you have to be willfully dense to not see it.

Spoken like a stalwart Alliance ! Believe me, I understand the sentiment.
Now then, as leader of the Kirin Tor and a faithful part of the Alliance, what would you do about the Sunreavers? True, they are advocates of the Horde. But they have been allies and productive members of the Kirin Tor for over 2000 years. This city is their home. Would you expel them?
Not if they renounced the Horde.
<Jaina brushes her hair from her eyes, deep in thought.>
You’re so passionate for your cause and clear in your convictions. Believe me when I say that the Sunreavers are the same. The Horde is their family.
Not all of them support Garrosh. But they’re not about to abandon their own people… I couldn’t ask them to do so without tearing the Kirin Tor apart.
The Kirin Tor is sacred to me. We need to stay united.

Dalaran has a very vague definition of neutrality as shown by Jaina’s dialog. People can act on behalf of their choosen faction while still being part of Dalaran. As an added note, we even have Aethas of all people helping Lother’mar with researching Sha. I doubt Jaina would have ever authorized that but he still did it.


To you and the person who liked this…
You only expose yourselves as sad name callers and bad winners.
Need a hug maybe?

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I mean he/she did name herself after the love child of the twilight books so… probably.

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Aw, look at you thinking anyone gives a :poop: after how you guys behaved. :rofl:

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Yo i’m on board with you naming yourself after a character in a terrible franchise book designed for millennial high schoolers but…

You do realize your name is spelled incorrectly, right?

I’m sure you do. Otherwise that’d just be embarrassing. The idea of naming yourself incorrectly after a fictional character in a terrible franchise.

Guess what? I don’t care about your opinion! Your post was not only off topic, but a waste of time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Please continue though, it will provide me with some entertainment for today.

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I didn’t express an opinion.

I noted your name is obviously based on a character in the ‘Twilight’ franchise and that it’s misspelled.

I hope that that doesn’t come as a shock to you, because surely someone who would name themselves after a character in a franchise would know the correct spelling.

That’s pretty much it. I’m glad you find that entertaining!

I am sorry but you should have paid a bit more attention to the topic. They are playable if you aware of the incoming High Elf NPCs in the Void Elf starter zone. The game suggests from our point of view that they are two different generations of Void Elves playable. The original ones who are indeed not High Elves from the Legion quest storyline and the new ones who get introduced to the Void in the starter zone which are High Elves (even in their displayed name).

This also goes tandem with the released fair skin update at the same time.


Oh, cool, so we can create a class with unique high elf racials?

We can’t? Thought so

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