I know that this is probably jumping the gun a bit since shadowlands isnt even out yet, but id still like to point this out. So a while back they were talking about how time in the shadowlands goes at a more unstable pace then in azeroth. They could do a couple things with this but one of the main things i would like to see is them updating kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms to reflect that by makeing the models and textures up to date with the present wow art style. They could also partially resolve some of the landscape destruction that happened in cataclysm. Now i say partially because some of the things would still be around (like the big scars through out the eastern kingdoms/ kalimdor), but those things could either have their volcanic activity calmed down a bit or have life returned to them and be overgrown with plants and forest or have animals inhabiting them and what not. Some big architectural damage could be fixed as well like loch modan or maybe even new things set up to get past the natural barriers or new dams where rivers were created before.
How do you guys feel about this idea (which is most likely not purely my idea) ?
Depends on whether the devs still suffer PTSD from Cataclysm.
in that case id think they would want to step as far away from it by doing this.
I miss old thousand needles
Agreed. I want to see what an updated Plaguelands would look like.
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I miss old thousand needles too. its one of the places i plan to go on classic when i’m high enough level.
perhaps, if they update the old world again, they could have the wall cllapsed at where the ocean flooded the canyon, and have it dried up, and perhaps add some vegitation to some parts of it. or somethings. IDK. i just want another zone thats a vast canyon. maybe with more twists and turns in it so you can “get lost” easier.
honestly, though, I don’t think they will do another old world revamp. it takes a lot of resources for that kind of thing, and the cofus of the game has been end game content for ages. feel like the levelling experience has been sidelined for it, as is evidenced byt the level squish and levelling speed increase. not that i have an issue with that, but still. it wouldn’t be worth the devs time to update areas that you see for like five minutes.
i think the only reason the new starting experience was added is to introduce new players to the features present in the game that they may learn about too late, or never learn about at all because they get frustrated and quit before someone teaches it to them.
I’m lucky in that a friend of mine introduced me to the game when we were working on a school project at her house. her brother let me create a character on his account, and she walked me through things (particularly finding my body after death. which still happens alot to this day). with out that introduction, if i’d played the game on my own, i likely would not have lasted long, as I discovered in classic this past week and through many many many deaths. I haven’t gotten to play the new player experience yet, but i’m hoping i get beta access soon so i can test it out, as i’d like to see some new blood in the game, and maybe get a few of my friends into it.
Probably will depend on how the time flows in the Shadowlands. So far we got pretty inconsistent answers, to the point that I’m believing that it just changes in a non consistent way. Maybe SL time flows faster now… But maybe after future patch events it will flow much slower?
Saying that because a “moderate time skip” of like 3-5 years sounds in theory, the perfect plot device to update the old world and introduce new stuff.
hate to burst your bubble but if they were going to revamp it would already be mostly done and we would know about it
They later corrected the time statement. Time is just perceived differently, but it doesn’t actually move differently. Like how you sleep for hours, but in your dreams it feels longer or shorter than it actually is. They said we shouldn’t expect any major time skips or read too far into it.
I’m all for a cosmetic revamp, but I kind of doubt it’ll happen. It just takes way too much resources and time to do. Even if they just did it aesthetically without touching quests it’s still a very large project.
They seem to prefer just updating zones as they become relevant to the story instead, like Arathi and Darkshore and Silithus. Might be the best we’ll see. I do wish they’d at least spruce up the faction capital cities though.
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i would like to see them at least fix silvermoon and allow flying in the BE and Draenei zones, as well as attaching them to the same map file as the rest of eastern kingdoms and kalimdor. right now they are on the same map file as outland, which makes sense for when it came out, but doesn’t anymore since when you get the base game, you get BC with it. i just want to be able to fly in those areas and not have to deal with the loading screen boss whenever i want to go farm Zul Aman… its actually the only reason i don’t go to ZA. don’t like the loading screen and really don’t like running on foot.
I agree it’s time to update the world.
Bye bye Azeroth.
That would be amazing, then I can sneak into the OTHER HALF of Silvermoon
Would they not just make the new map of Azeroth like they did with the alternate timeline of Draenor? because honestly I have not been back to the outlands since mists.
Then we would have Azeroth the broken and temporally disjointed mess in it’s own map like the outlands. Then separately we would have Draenor and Azeroth 2.0 maybe hundreds of years in the future after we are evacuated from the bowls of the shadowlands?
That would give them the ability to redo the zones from the old world bring the BC zones into the current timeline and perhaps create timeless zone specific stories for each of the game zones rather then expansion specific stories, most MMO’s revamp their clients either graphically or something at some point anyway.
In addition all the people still crying over the Cataclysm revamp could still go back and play the broken disjointed content or go play classic wow, while offering a new experience for a new generation of players that Blizzard currently really needs.
Because honestly either they create a captivating experience for a new generation of players, (exiles reach is a nice bandaid) or they don’t get new subscription’s because nostalgia only takes you so far retaining the original players. patch 10 is the perfect time to do something big.