After playing classic... Devs you need to pay attention

Classic players won’t ever play retail, they simply hate the fact that it’s a game that’s able to be enjoyed by people who aren’t basement-dwelling spergs. They literally oppose all the things that have made the game more fun and less grindy to play, just on principle.

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Except… I literally said in this thread that i’m open to trying it and i’m a classic only player. There is a portion out there. You can’t say that no one would try it.

Also, I enjoy the pet feeding mechanic. Even if it means it’ll run away. So again, you cant speak for the entire Hunter player base.

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bfa difficulty is trying not to hate yourself while playing.

I … I love you.

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I never used stings in PvE. Serpent sting is laughable damage, I’d much rather save the mana for an extra aimed shot (which can actually crit) on another mob than on ss which will deal less damage over it’s whole duration.

In raids the debuff limit pretty much means you can take it off your bars not to mention the mana cost is not worth it.

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Even when you were leveling? That’s were its optimal.

Yes, I realized once I had aimed shot the dmg value was way higher, and to save on water I stopped casting serpent sting since I could kill more things without sitting to drink. The only times I used serpent sting was when I took aggro off my pet just to have a little extra dmg ticking while I was in melee.

Also never use it dungeons for the same reason, and that it’s often wasted when mobs die in less time than its duration. The only sting I use is Viper Sting since it’s the only thing that gives me a chance against warlocks, spriests, and mages.

Well to do it while leveling, you’d have to level marksman. Which isn’t optimal. Going with I said earlier, Joana is the fastest speed leveling hunter. He had the previous record for fastest 60 ding. He used serpent sting while leveling. I’m going to go with his insight over yours mate. Thanks for the input.

No, no, no and no! I am against any form of Hunter from Classic coming to retail, just NO! … You have classic and like hunter there so play that hunter there, this is retail!


Haha omg, this is insane to read having actually played during the time when this was a thing. Hunters were universally begging for this to be removed forever. There is no reason for the dead zone to exist other than as a nostalgia factor in Classic.

Thankfully I think this is something I can rest easy about them never bringing back :P.


I played a hunter back then too. I prefer it this way. Thanks for the input!

Kevin Jordan, who designed the classes talked about the dead zone in his stream.

I’m paraphrasing but he said something along the lines of “we couldn’t come up with a smooth transition between ranged and melee at the time so we left that deadzone to be the transition.” The deadzone is not even part of the class design, it was more of a technical limitation.
I asked him about focus and he said that initially they experimented with focus as a resource but didn’t want the out-of-combat tools to be basically free resource-wise. In my opinion that is a poor reason to completely shaft the class with mana.


I would agree.

It was probably also much about that they were running out of time to get Focus as a system, to a good enough state to ship the class with the launch.
And they just did not have time to completely redesign how it worked.

In this video, they also talk a bit about the Hunter class going into WoW and about Focus as a system:

Blizzcon 2005 World of Warcraft Character Class panel
(Timestamp: 8:17 in case the link itself fails to direct)