After going back, I did not hate the Shadowlands content

Because you’ve interpreted what they’ve said as an argument for why people left during SL. It wasn’t. The developers said they listened to feedback and made changes, they did not state qualitatively that this was the primary reason people left in SL or that leaving SL was the only or even main reason they moved ahead with the change in direction.

What I understand is that you have advanced a ridiculous argument. How could the changes Blizzard made to DF possibly have been caused by the reaction to Shadowlands when DF was designed and was already being coded during Shadowlands?

You won’t answer that question, you will only hurl an insult because you can’t. Your argument makes no sense.

I liked the aesthetics a lot, and rather enjoyed the covenant halls, but there were several things I didn’t like at all.

I hated being forced to go from zone to zone in a particular order. I get that it made sense from the story perspective, but I like to roam.

Also didn’t care for the story and how they made the jailer the puppet master.

Didn’t understand Sylvannas’ change of heart. She had no problem trying to kill us, Thrall, Jania and Bolvar the entire time but then she got her panties in a bunch and tried to take the Jailer out because he put everyone in chains again.

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What’s really funny about this to me is that Legion technically had the same problem with all the class hall storylines, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything more than an offhand comment here or there of people complaining about it. I’m sure part of it is that most of their storylines were disconnected from Legion’s main plot(and at this point I don’t remember which were actually important aside from Rogue), but it really does speak to just how poorly covenants were implemented in comparison.

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Yeah, part of that was the relative length and involvement in the class halls, as opposed to the way it worked out in Shadowlands.

From the start you were working with your class hall, adding members to it and building it up to assist you going forward. It felt natural and worked into how you did things, as opposed to Covenants…

“Hey, all four of us are crucial factions to the processing of souls in the afterlife. Pick one so the other three can hate you! We totally have a good reason for preventing the Maw Walker from accessing our powers and facilities, because them working with one faction exclusively totally makes sense narratively!”

It was just awful.

I wasn’t even talking about quests or storylines.

What I said was:

I was talking about everything from collectibles and transmogs to the unique activities each faction had, like Ember Court.

Legion class halls had nothing of the sort, which is why you didn’t see these complaints in Legion. The closest you’d get would be the Rogue pickpocketing thing.

Gameplay wise, SL was fine.

Lore wise? Absolute nuclear hot dumpster fire.

Throw it away

So much lore butchered, old great characters brought back for the “Hey look who it is!” Easy appeal, all to have their stories butchered.

The ENTIRE Sylvanas storyline. I mean really, she thought the jailer wouldn’t enslave her too? That’s what we’re going with? She’s evil AND dumb??

And to top it all off they didn’t kill her, they just put her on a shelf so they can bring her back later and subject us all to more of that horrid writing. It’s like a monster lurking in the shadows. You don’t know when it’ll strike you just know it will.

Gameplay 7/10

Lore writing 1/10 (there was almost nothing that made the lore better in that expansion)

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There is literally no point in talking to you with rational takes or facts. You’re inherently irrational and disingenuous. It’s a waste of everyone’s time. You are a blight on the forums, that’s all. Lol.


If your mission when you come to these forums is to try to change peoples minds about how they feel about things, just stop. Your words cannot compete with peoples lived experiences.

I enjoyed Shadowlands as did others. Many of us who enjoyed Shadowlands already understand the complaints against it and enjoyed it all the same.

At best the most you can hope to accomplish is that you learn why/how people had the experiences they did.


I enjoyed Shadowlands. I played season 2 and quit at the very beginning of season 3 and just returned about a month ago. The reason I quit had nothing to do with the quality of Shadowlands, it was because a new season had just started and as a healer learning a new set of dungeons seemed overwhelming and tedious…especially when a lot of the people knew many of the dungeons because they played through those expansions.

Do you seriously believe that the majority of the players that left didn’t have an issue with SL as an expansion?

The feedback telling them all the awful things about SL and the changes away from those terrible systems. Another one with a VERY strong delusion.


They may have but not necesarilly related to systems. I would submit to you that the removal of systems was about more than just feedback. Ask yourself a very simple question. Does anything in DF or TWW match the amount of work put into systems? Torghast was more effort than anything in DF. Same with Artifact weapons. Did we get more raids or dungeons?


You definitely used the right word. Work. Those systems were a chore. Players made it very clear they didn’t want those kinds of systems anymore. Remember Azerite Armor getting ripped to shreds by the players? I do.

If you want so much “work” and “effort” go get a job. This is a game to be enjoyed through, not “worked” through.

Artifact weapons were good once the ridiculous gates on them were lifted. Players don’t want tedious infinite grind borrowed power systems. I have no clue why you defend them.

I’m not trying to compete with precious “lived experiences”. The person I was replying to was being exceptionally disingenuous, and I was hoping they’d at least stop and think reasonably for a moment.

I get it, some people gotta make sure everybody else knows they loved Shadowlands. As long as you aren’t passing it off as being a generally accepted and good expansion that a majority of the playerbase was somehow “wrong” in disliking, I’m not particularly interested in whether or not you liked it.

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This is my entire point! Very well said.

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Blizz released a graph showing sub numbers going way back in an earnings call during df. It didn’t say exact numbers but it showed relative numbers to other expansions.

Both SL and WOD were the worst. Except SL had both a global pandemic forcing people indoors and classic expansions to pull up sub numbers.

So no SL was objectively worse.


Shadowlands goated.

(at the end of the xpac when legendaries were free and you could freely swap between covs)

Going back and doing any expansion after its concluded is simply an inaccurate way to gauge how good or bad an expansion is.

Legion is fairly popular across the board, but it launched with major design issues with its legiondary system, had some really bad weekly timegating on the island. BFA was even worse in regards to how bad they made the necklace work, which basically got abandoned halfway through the expansion, and then they did those essences as a patch system, and finally the corrupted powers.

When you go back and replay an expansion that is in its final state you miss all the nuance the expansion had in regards to the struggles people had during each patch. By about the end of BFA I started to come to the conclusion that the best way to experience a WoW expansion was to wait for the final patch because they smoothed out all their issues with the expansion specific systems they were extremely heavy on at the time.

shadowlands had some of the best tmogs to date

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It did have some excellent mogs. I’ve been going back on occasion for some of them.

The account-wide unlocks have been great since I did all of the Covenant stories through too, lol

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