After bg blitz, I never wanna return to arena ever again

Bgb salt is unreal lol, lost a node to 2 rogues, and I get whispers right away saying REPORTED!!!

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hey this troll abandoned their thread and now it’s about blitz

it for sure takes very little skill / awareness of the game compared to arena, for some specs you could sub a random in for a pro and it would be no diff

BG and Arena are two very different forms of pvp and it’s disingenuous to say that one is “low” skill when both modes require different skills and play styles. It’s like you’re trying to compair and MMA fight to a Baseball game.

blitz mains are all like this i swear


I used to think play over 70 games was a large number of matches. :sweat_smile:

Because BGB doesn’t require the PvP skills of an arena player. It requires you to be able to play objectives. Arena skills do help though, that’s why you see arena players do so well in BGB despite not always knowing the strategies. BGB skills don’t cross over as well into arena tho.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. People are good at different things and it’s good there’s an outlet where they can do well.


BG Blitz is serving its purpose of bringing casual players into a ranked format, but it’s essentially just a repeat of SL Season 2 and DF SS Season 1. Players are competing in hyper-inflated brackets, which is a problem with the system, not the players. When the system is eventually fixed, it will likely crash, as 2400 rating isn’t a participation trophy anymore it’s in a really unhealthy state.



You lack understanding of the situation.

What you’re seeing is when the ladder is healthy and full of participation. Shuffle got its mmr knee capped to fit 3s because all 3s players do is cry about other brackets. That bracket is just bringing everything else down because if they’re not happy then no one can be happy.

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Overall pvp participation is down from df is it not?

Eu might hit 4k by end of season thats not healthy they pump the bracket with mmr to give the illusion of healthy participation like df SS

Ss mmr got kneecapped because it was way to high and same will happen to blitz

I know sum people log in for their wow checklist to collect thing they will never use after 2 weeks and thats perfectly fine seems to be the norm now

Not sure. I do know BGB participation is relatively healthy tho. Shuffle isn’t that bad either. 3s is completely dead tho and it’s honestly unfortunate. S2 of SL is the season that elites like to complain about, but LFG was active and fun and you could find queues anytime of the day. It was legendary. Look at LFG now.

These R1 players would not care if the game died as long as they can have their status quo maintained. We need to move away from that mentality and embrace a more rewarding system that allows players to feel like they can make it.

blitz doesn’t require pvp skills at all

“bgb is the only bracket without wintraders”

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idk, blitz has been a pretty awful experience for me. It feels very rng and luck based. Individual player agency in your ability to contribute to an overall win or loss feels very low. I haven’t even really pushed any of my toons in RSS and i’m between 1950-2k on many of them.

While in blitz It’s been an honest struggle to get over 1500/1600 with 50 games played on some of my toons while others hit 1850 within 25 games played. This is while playing objectives and usually leading healing/dps.

:grimacing: if u topping the charts chances are u are not playing objectives.

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Blizz for the love of Elune, just let us use gate and it’d make it bearable to run it back as lock

Yeah gate would be nice for locks only though.

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i didn’t abandoned anything, i made both threads at the same time.

That’s interesting. I’ve RBG’ed since MoP, but basically switched to Arenas with Shuffle in DF. I now still enjoy Arenas more. I kind of resent BGB for giving the rank titles (because I favor the MMO aspects and legacy of this game), and even though it can be fun, it’s less actual PvP gameplay and the MMR is really all over the place. I haven’t been lucky with it.

Bro you’re cool and all, but do you have any idea what you just did there? lolol :rofl: Anyways hit me up for a free 1800 in 2v2 or maybe 2k if you get angry enough. I’ll literally do it for free with my holy paladin.