I had no idea that dmg done is capped to 5 billion before reset. Kudos to thahtcher for doing insane dmg in an AV to have his dmg reset back to 0. Unless that was a one-off bug?
Sounds like a boomy in a epic bg.
Not fair, highest Ive seen in randoms is just over a billion, I’ll never see this
i had an ashran with over 5 bill healed last week and it reset it thanks to this bug.
so lame.
Same. My Rshaman has AA and did over 5 billion healing. Not only did the scoreboard reset but details did as well. Said I only did 172M healing with 3.2B overhealing. I didn’t know if it was a bug or if they simply had a ceiling in place that needs to be raised.
Sounds like it will reset for any BG if you manage to get high enough.
Sooo, ~5 billion, 4.3, 4,294,967,296 <== So prolly the 32 bit thingy
Which means we are headed for a Y2K wow apocalypse.
Edit: I have not been able to scroll on the meters since TWW I think either. I can sort, but no scrolly up or down.
Edit edit: I submitted a bug report in game. Maybe y’all should as well: Game Menu::Support::Bug Report (Submit a bug)
It happened to me as well. I reported it in the bug report forum about a week ago.