Hey I’m Selp,
I’m a Healer (Resto Shammy Ready to go) (Disc Priest, Holy Pally (very close to be ready)
I’ve had to recently leave my old guild due to change in work times and am looking at finding a new home.
I have multiple CEs under my belt, with last tier being CE - I haven’t done any mythic yet due to the above.
I am looking for a guild for the following Days
Wed - Night (8pm ->)
Thurs - Night (8pm ->)
Fri - Morning
Sat - Morning
Sun - Morning
Mon - All Day
Tues - All Day
Feel Free to message me
Btag: Selpiandi#1882
Discord: Selpiandi#7330
Est. in 2007-Les Magnifiques 10/10N 6/10H. A medium-core raiding guild ideal for good players who aren’t into hard-core anything. Cos RL happens, we’re LF 1 x Tank, 1 Healer & 2 x RDPS to fill spaces in our core team so we can continue smashing bosses. We also do regular Myth+ keys and finding buddies for almost anything is easy. We’re a great team of supportive players who enjoy obvious puns, killing raid bosses & high M+ keys. FREE repairs/gems/ench/food/flasks/pots to raiders. We raid WED/THU/MON 8:15 - 10:30 PM
Be welcome to hit me up for a chat anytime. Cheers, Madamehell – Frostmourne (madamehell#1692) (Madz#6961)
Hello Selp!
I hope I’m not too late to the party but we are a recently (August 2020) established guild that is currently 3/10M on CN. I will be honest - we don’t have any CE history but after hard recruitment and sifting we are slowing chugging through the bosses, so if you don’t mind taking slightly more time to achieve CE I believe we are the right guild for you. We are a mixed guild of Asians and Australians and although we are sometimes serious about progression, we do have lots of inside banter going around
The link below will tell you more but too keep this post short we raid for 2 nights Monday/Wednesday at 2330hrs - 0230hrs Server Time. We think that you might fits us perfectly, considering our roster is in need of an extra healer (resto sham/disc priest/h.pal) right now.
I am happy to answer any other questions you might have, just add me below for a chat
Please do give us a good consideration and I hope to hear from you soon!
Best regards,
BNet: BranBiscuits#1686
Discord: BrandyBiscuits#6452