AFK RBG -- Is this win trading?

So over the course of the past couple days I have seen a very very big spike in AFK RBGs. I have not participated in them myself, but from what I understand it is seriously you join a group, que RBGs, and then just AFK and lose to get points.

While on the surface I can see this not really being harmful, because the state of PVP in classic has pretty over run with scripts, win trade, and rate selling for a long time now… and this is just another slice of that pie… but…

I could also see this as win trading. Not intentionally of course, but some. I get a few people probably just want to afk for points and what not. “EZ loot” so to speak. But it wouldn’t be that difficult for a group of RBGer’s, specifically those that might enjoy the credit card as a form of payment, to go around forming a bunch of AFK teams on the opposite faction during slower times (week days) so as they que to rank boost they run into next to no competition in the pathing to boost. Specifically if all you are asking these people to do is sit there AFK and earn points.

Opinions? Any official stances ever taken on this before? Just curious.

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Since it’s a full premade group, who presumably have all agreed to do it, I don’t feel strongly about it either way.

When I first geared in OG TBC, it was common to do AFK (or naked and lying down) 5s for points.

I think you’re better off doing ungeared, fresh 85 2s or 3s with a viable comp and actually trying for points, as you can pretty easily gear up in a few hours, and every win increases that rate!


So I get it. I remember the whole just go afk for honor to get gear too thing in the past. I also remember it leading to some bans. Now, I do not exactly want that to happen. Because at this point banning someone around here in classic is like handing out speeding tickets at the indy 500, but its one of those things i hope the game is absolutely crickets on for months and months then suddenly a massive ban wave comes out that its win trading.

Again I doubt this would happen because it implies something and being done being put withing the confines of what goes on around here these days. Nor at this point does it matter since like a healthy percentage of the gladiators out there are win traded/bought anyway.

Just seems like a more simple solution would be… just give conquest for wins and losses in normal BGs too. If gearing is all people are after then at least they can just kind of muck around in what is already mucked up anyway. Then the competition side of it can just be there for those that want that. IF their are many people that actually want competition and not just to hold a gold medal in their hands screaming they won when all they did was 3 cap afk teams half the time.

What’s the problem?

I hate when people purposely throw BGs in Classic.

This behavior was prevalent in SoD. On top of that, the devs catered to it by discouraging pre-mades, disallowing full pre-mades, making zero statements towards throwing matches or not playing for objectives being actionable.

Even worse, they removed or at least changed the report interface to no longer have the “non participation” option that they previously had.

Do I think that not playing towards the objectives of a BG is or should be against the rules? Yes, I do. Do I think it should be ignored for those who are forced into such games, yet actioned for those who opt in only? Absolutely not.

That’s my thoughts on this.


Yeah, dont get me wrong I kinda know nothing will come of it. Because that just seems to be how things roll these days. I do appreciate the thoughts though.

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I think it’s wrong, I think it’s against the spirit of the game, but I wouldn’t want anyone to be punished for it.

If they can’t stop all the bots, if they can’t stop wall hacks and exploits, they can’t stop RMT/Boosting, then they shouldn’t drop the hammer on people that just throw up their hands and say “I give up”.

Win trading takes collusion between both teams. This is more a team deciding they don’t care and just want quick points

No, that isn’t win trading. Win trading refers to two or more teams that are typically in coms and have arranged to trade wins when they match, they will then coordinate their queues in an attempt to ensure a match. It’s a very specific thing and is unrelated to that which you speak of.

Nah it’s not win-trading. Just people min-maxing for the easiest way to get max gear.

There’s no pre-determined agreement between BOTH teams. It is 1 team deciding to full afk or attempt to win first team fight. If it’s not close or is more of a struggle than just letting them win then they afk.

As for people taking advantage of this it has always been a thing. Back when I actually bothered to play RBG’s there was an aussie team at 2.7 that would q at 4 am and sit like 20 min q’s into 1800-2.2 mmr teams and demolish them for +4 pts then go completely inactive the moment another 2.4-2.7 mmr team logged on.

Idk what rbgs are like now but i’d assume thats just the norm considering only like 20-30 people actually care about RBGs

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Sounds boring :yawning_face:. I’d rather play pvp