AFK Levelers

OK so there are always new threads cropping up about those mean nasty twinks, and how they shouldn’t be in BG’s… so I want to address another common and growing trend of levelers joining BG’s, dying once, then staying far enough from the spirit rez, and not coming back to life and helping with the BG… instead they just sit there dead, wasting a slot that could have gone to a useful player maybe, and completely leeching exp. from everyone else who came there to PvP.
Why is this allowed?

Can’t report them AFK, it doesn’t seem to do anything despite multiple people reporting them AFK.

If people expect blizzard to do something about the exp. debuff, then blizzard also needs to fix this, too, because it’s wrong to do that to the rest of the people on the team.

If they’re staying dead, and multiple people are reporting them AFK, they should be removed.

Though to be honest, I haven’t ever seen this outside of max BGs. Especially considering the bulk of XP from low level BGs is from a win and afking runs counter to that.

Sadly… we reported them multiple times… nothing happened.
I guess as a healer I notice it more, but it’s becoming very common in every bracket :frowning: