Afflock needs some love

Dont buff our damage, just give us soul burn soul swap back. With the amount of micro cc and interrupts, not to mention one of the only dps casters who actually have to hard cast, this would be a huge qol buff. and remove the pvp talent to put 3 ua’s up. Should be baseline max of 5 ua’s at a time. allow us to choose a different pvp talent.

That is all, ty.

Very heavily considering shelving the afflock. Im tired of being top damage by a mile and still losing.

Its not like demo where you have excessive control, or destro with burst, youre just global locked constantly trying to keep maintenance up, and a certain green class deleting my burst with 1 button and no drawbacks is pretty frustrating given the current population of said green class. Idk man, i get that some people make it work but the effort vs reward seems so skewed.

You have to like watching 2000s basketball to be an aff player


I dont understand this reference but given your post history im going to assume its funny and layered. Keep up the good work

Fartsniffing way of saying you have to enjoy defense and attrition, sorry

Aff doesn’t get to win most games any way except throttling the enemy mana bar

Tim Duncan plays lock confirmed.

Actually he did play wow too lol.

He strikes me as a thundercleave enthusiast

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Just look at Alpha changes and you’ll be happy, they’re changing aff

Do these changes address how certain classes negate all our damage and make affliction useless?

if rot n decay, jynx, and rampant afflictions were baseline abilities then aff would FARM.

Having no honor talent slots is cringe.

the aff changes seem to be removing soul swap. unless i misread. Which will be sad. Hellcaller or whatever called seems fun tho.

they’re removing the talent and making it baseline again

Oh i didnt see the baseline portion in there. im blind.

What’s that? You want ua dispel to hit even harder? You got it buff it by another 30%!

Just check The War Within Affliction changes so you may consider unsubscribing.

Can confirm, this hit home.

I actually watch considerably less NFL and NBA games now, largely because the rule changes are favoring the offense so much. Feels like it ruins the integrity of the game when good defense is penalized. I much prefer the defensive philosophy gameplan.

And the only spec I really want to play is aff lock.

But i hate basketball and love affy…

Because even when it’s defensive, basketball is still an offensive game. You can’t truly dominate on defense by the means of a shut out, for example.

you gotta catch this knicks series man. they’re hitting each other with socks full of batteries for 48 minutes

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Jokes on u. im the most degen breed of affy where i dont use any cc on healer. PEW PEW .