Affliction warlock pvp

For affliction warlock, what are your best options for 2s/3’s comps to play? Also, just for hitting 1600, what bracket do you think would be easiest/quickest to do this? 2s/3s/RSS/BGB?

Lastly, I played destro last expansion but have never played Aff. Any tips/strats or important things to note would be greatly appreciated!

If you have regular friends to play with I’d say 3s.
If you’re going to climb solo I’d say BGB, because queues are faster than RSS.

As of tips, keep maximum distance from casters since you outrange most of them, and use your port/gate a lot against melee comps.
For further tips, check older posts on this forum, there are plenty of topics adressing this topic.

Thanks for the advice. Is there a certain prio as to what you should cast when you’re kicked on certain things, like if you’re kicked on unstable affliction or fear?


Rogue/aff probably the best comp.

Splay also

With war buff arms/aff should be pretty decent.

Most caster cleaves work too.

Idk about that war affy has been good since like wotlk i feel like lol

Valid for any class/spec you want to pick up:

Look up the build r1s are picking for the bracket you’re queuing for. Queue a few games and take note of how early you die and how much damage/healing you do. Take note of what skills you notice you aren’t using.

After you get a few games in, tune in to their stream’s vods and see how they play with the same build. Notice the difference. Notice what buttons they’re pressing to do damage, like, actually look at their skill bar or the addon they usually have that shows their last used skills.

This will give you the highest skill returns for the lowest time invested. Do it over a few days and your skill should go up by a lot. You’ll start noticing things that you didn’t before.

Also ensure you’re using the correct the itemization by, again, copying their stats.

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This is all very helpful information, I usually copy talents and builds and all that, but I haven’t gone as far as to watch actual streams which I think would be very helpful. I’m admittedly a boomer with that. Is this like watching twitch and stuff (forgive my lack of knowledge)?

Yeah, you basically watch them play but examine what they’re doing, even small things that you wouldn’t normally notice when watching for entertainment, like what buttons they’re pressing.

Let me give you some examples of what I have personally done. For reference, this is my first season healing as a MW and I also played some prevoker. I haven’t healed PVP since WOD.

I started by looking up rank one mistweavers, which have Mysticall and Meepmonk as the top content creators (that I know of). I largely just checked the r1 ladder and saw which ones had a Twitch I could find via Google or through the website. I used drustvar dot com

Mysticall posts on YouTube and they even have match reviews, along with actual gameplay of blitz and 3s/shuffles:

Meepmonk has plenty of streams and some youtube videos. I mainly checked his Twitch at

Cdew is a known healer god and they were playing prevoker, so I naturally checked them out too when I was starting up my prevoker: 

I learned a bit how to keep up with healing by watching how they were healing and also checking how much % of the healing each of his spells were doing whenever he hovered over the details counter. This helped me realize what order I’m supposed to rotate through cooldowns to keep people up as a prevoker. Like, echo + spiritbloom is pretty good. Echo is always the first thing he uses too no matter how low the target is because it’s simply not worth it to heal without echo. They had a constant 200k-300k DPS almost every round too because Cdew was using Fire Breath on CD.

Checking their damage count/healing count to see what % of the damage/healing is coming from which spells is also pretty good to take note of, by the way. Do this against enemy players too that you see are playing your spec well.

As an affliction warlock, you probably want to look up someone like Chanimal. There are plenty of affliction warlock streamers, I think. I personally know an affliction warlock I play with regularly and they improved a lot by watching them play. Like, from doing 200k DPS when being trained to now doing around 500k. Chanimal pulls upwards of 600k from what I’ve seen clipped

As someone who has played affliction lock extensively I would say your best comps right now are affliction/shadow/holy paladin, affliction/feral/holy paladin, affliction/frost mage/disc priest, or affliction/sub rogue/disc priest.

I play alot of shadowplay or FLP lately. Spread pressure comps are alot more fun to me.

Find you a good aggressive hpal for 2s really good comp

Aff hpal or aff voidweaver disc

Feral aff hpal, rogue aff and shadowplay

Aff damage is just Keep jinx on all 3 targets and ua haunt on ur main kill target.

The way you burst is just phantom singularity into haunt into shadowbolt into rapture proc on a target that has a full row of dots.

Your second option for burst is just soul rot on a target with full dots into rapture spam.

The way you get your damage off without getting shut down is creating space with freedom port and gate and proccing precogs and immunity kicks /cc with wall or reflect when it’s appropriate.

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Aff+feral/rogue>war/sp/frost mage

Depends on your skill and if you have people to play with. 3s is for sure the fastest if you have teammates, solo shuffle/blitz the easiest, though.