Affliction Tuning Buffs & Day 217 of asking for Aff Rework

  • Summon Darkglare has been adjusted – Darkglare damage increased by 40% and each damage over time effect you have active on their current target increases their damage dealt by 45% (was 25%).

  • Focused Malignancy has been adjusted – Malefic Rapture deals 40% increased damage to targets suffering from Unstable Affliction (was 25%). Does not affect PvP combat.

  • Unstable Affliction damage increased by 30%. Does not affect PvP combat.

  • Shadow Bolt damage increased by 20%. Does not affect PvP combat.

  • Drain Soul damage increased by 20%. Does not affect PvP combat.

dOeS nOt aFfEcT pVp cOmBaT.

Thank you for the drain life and darkglare buffs, but maybe just give us a rework like we’ve been asking since BFA so Aff can move in the right direction for both PvE and PvP. There’s a litany of suggestions on how to improve the spec and make it fun like it was in MoP from players, but all we hear is crickets from Blizz.


These buffs will probably bring Aff more in line with Destro and Demo in single target damage. Doesn’t change the fact that Aff’s tier set is still lame compared to what Demo and Destro get. I haven’t seen it mentioned in a while, but last I heard the extra UA’s from the 4pc still don’t interact with half of Aff’s talents properly.

But as Kalamazi says, the best lock spec will be Hell Caller this season.


affliction design doesnt have QoL of the spec, even with this number tunning, the bad spec design is there.

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This 100%. It’s not a damage tuning issue, it’s a quality of life issue where we’re still stuck in BC style dot spread and class design. In pvp, Soul Harvester, a hero tree, is carrying the specialization. :exploding_head:

The buffs made aff playable but not enjoyable