If you didn’t know, affliction got zero (0), new changes in this massive 10.1 patch. Warlocks in general did. But there was just flat nothing for affliction. I have some ideas that could hopefully get circulated for the next patch because apparently there weren’t many floating around.
There were a lot of things that sucked for affliction warlocks in previous patches that got improved. Things that just had to be changed, that you would know if you played a warlock. For example, not being able to get a gateway down at the beginning of arenas without a monk or a warrior RoP or kicking you.
Instant gateway was just a minor but necessary Improvement.
I have a few suggestions for affliction warlocks that after playing this game for many years I think are necessary quality of life Improvment’s.
In no order:
Corruption should last 24s baseline. It should be talented to be permanent in pve. On that note,
Siphon life. This spell is great in a lot of ways. Bring it back to the meta, make it last long enough to have it rolling on 3 people and have time to cast other spells instead of only maintaining dots. It helps rapture, which is neglected in this meta anyways.
Malefic rapture - maybe this is asking too much, but make it chaos school damage to give us another school of magic at least for one spell and put it on par with the other warlock specs shard spender. And if that happens, make soul rot shadow. Nature damage? Idk about that. It just doesn’t fit.
Unstable affliction PvP talent should be baseline. I should be able to cast it on 30 targets for all I care. PvP talents should be like your sideboard, this however is necessary regardless of who you’re playing. Make it baseline.
This could be asking too much, but soulburn: unstable affliction could be balanced and nice:
Your next unstable affliction cast can not be kicked.
Unstable affliction dispel damage should do about 50% of a healers HP. What other class can a 9s cooldown (dispel) remove your 2 minute burst? Its like when combust was purgeable, it’s not good for the game. Buff UA dispel damage.
Curse of fragility: might see some play if it was a permanent 10-15% health debuff instead of 10s or whatever it is.
We are fighting into a spirit link totem basically all game. Our damage is almost fully split. Here is and idea for that problem
New spell that redirects 25%-40% (or whatever) of all dots damage on all targets to the affected target. Maybe it’s a channeled spell, maybe it’s a casted debuff, maybe it’s an instant curse. Idk but you get the point. It’d be nice to have a single target nuke while still needing to manage dots on 3 targets.
Felhunter devour magic: please allow this to be auto cast toggled.
I’ll edit and add more ideas as I think of them.
On the other hand, many abilities from other classes seem to specifically target and counter Affliction locks too much. I would propose nerfing some mechanics:
Feign death. Hunters are never ever my target. 100% counter.
Revival: seems to specifically counter only aff.
Reverse magic: it’s nice to see people reverse a hoj or a trap or a sheep. Maybe make this reverse only 1 magic effect. Not all of them. But the 1 min cd on it seems to line up exactly with my burst cds. Because it does.
In general, having burst dispelled sucks very much and is second only to getting chain kicked by a warrior ret fistweaver team and never getting a cast off in the first place.
Affliction warlocks usually do the most damage if they are left alone, they probably have the highest potential to take over a game if not controlled. That said, they are also the single easiest class to counter and shut down. There are many games where I am unable to cast a single rapture.
The new survivability mechanics are great. I would prefer a kill or be killed type of rework. I don’t want to get beat up 30% less. I want to end people, that’s why I play a warlock. Precog was an amazing addition to this game. It’s skill based. It still wasn’t enough obviously because blizzard had to nerf every single kick in the game. Some games I crush everyone so hard (the games without 2 melee of any skill level on me) and some games I don’t do anything. And it’s painstaking. It’s not skill based, it’s rock paper scissors, which this game should not be.
Unique mechanics make this game fun original and skillful.
What other class has 1 school and casts like 10 different things?
Boomy: mostly all instant
Ele: mostly all instant
Mage: like 80% ice lance damage, instant
Shadow priest? That seems like a respectable class actually.
Evoker: 3 schools I think. Idk much else.
Instant cast haunt would be a nice shift in the aff talent meta instead of the cookie cutter maldiva tree 99% of people copied.
I’m just saying, this spec has been underpowered for way too long. I think a lot of these things could make the game more fun.