Affliction PvP Post-Nerf

How do you all feel about affliction PvP post-nerf now?

I have been having low motivation in playing my affliction warlock main, considering the nerfs. Been playing my priest and mage alts.

Is it still a decent spec to PvP with? How’s it 1 vs 1 with Soul Harvester build or in group BGs?

I’m no warlock but since the nerf, UDK sinked and lock either didn’t moved or they’ve gained 1 rank (in front of DK).

Feels like the buff to defence effiently compensate for the damage nerf.

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Can definitely feel the nerf. Damage seems to be crippled. Affliction remains obnoxious to put down, but they pose no real threat anymore either. Basically just an annoyance for other players.

Could be a lot worse. UHDK is dead in the water.

been grinding my second warlock to get it to 1600-1700 like my first one and i just changed to the other hero spec and have been still topping dmg with wither spec. was on a major winning spree until i got a game where this one warlock was just slow walking from spawn to team fight and just wouldnt play, he had less dmg than the rdruid on the team and since then ive been on a losing streak but thats off topic

wither spec has been feeling good where i used it

aff still feels much more impactful to me than my dh. i feel like im swinging rubber blades on dh

So it isn’t the primary kill target anymore?

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Can’t speak for the last couple of days but I played I wanna say like 5 games last week and was never the kill target on my Aff, I was super confused because there were some games with like dk and warr in there but everyone just focused the other dps

I liked Soul Harvester pre-nerf.

The first set of shadow bolt nerfs were justified as shadow bolt was causing more damage than chaos bolt, so it’s expected.

I could put up with that.

But the most recent set of nerfing soul anathema and demonic soul by 20% seemed too much.

I was starting to like SH affliction as it made me feel like the warlock I played in classic and TBC: very difficult to kill 1 vs 1.

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So idk if soul harvester is gutted… im assuming its still viable. However I switched to Hell Caller the week before the nerfs hit. Reforged some gear to get more crit for wither and I feel very strong. There are games where I am on the run the entire time and just spamming instants still doing 500k+ dps.

Hell Caller is much more of a rot and run spec and its feeling really good. Just switch talents to be more focused on dot damage and GG


it is, im tired of getting trail on my lock we need mobilititi or istant cc whit less cd time
mages are all isntant


I play aff Hellcaller at around 1850 CR, and it melts pretty well. Wither/Agony deal SO much damage (especially when pumping in raptures to give Wither more stacks while it’s actively collapsing via Blackened Soul) Enemy players are scared to step into my LOS. I play with Improved Amp Curse, so it’s pretty easy to stop major damage from at least one of their enemy dps at all times (unless the healer can dispel curses). Amp Curse on Satyr also increases cast time by 70%, so it’s extremely punishing for healers who rely more on hard casts (plus our talent causes Wither ticks to extend Curse durations even further.

My biggest struggle is keeping teammates alive if they make poor decisions or get swapped on during deep dampening.

Besides that, I really like how Rapture interacts with Wither. Rapture itself won’t hit enemies outside of LOS but still add Wither stacks to everyone affected as long as rapture hits at least one target. This allows for some unavoidable passive damage even when other enemy team members are LoSing you… I love porting away, rapturing from a safe distance with Malevolence and watching the whole team wither away.

Soul Harvester is meh in my opinion. It doesn’t have big scary SBs anymore. It seems it does well at lower MMRs, but more experienced players can shut down Soul Harvester much more easily than Hellcaller.


Amp Curse on Satyr also increases cast time by 70%

This is just a tooltip bug, it only actually reduces it by 20%, still nice to have.


bad, you can’t kill a fly

I’m going to try Hellcaller maximum spread DoTs spec now.

Soul harvester makes my armpits super sweaty during PvP :skull:

you do a low dmg .
It does damage but for ranked pvp S arenas and S RBG you don’t contribute anything, the only thing you serve the group for is giving them SS, it’s as if your party were playing 3vs2 or 7vs8. If you want to play PVP, play another class…