Affliction needs Soul Flame back

I’m trying to do some open world random world quests and events. And it very hard to tag anything when many other classes can do massive instant spammable aoe damage. I can’t tag many things before whole zones are dead by one person.

With Soul Flame at least I could get tags on some stuff by smartly dotting the lowest health enemies, we need Soul Flame back even if it does almost no damage.


I believe Soul Harvester has a similar effect, but yes I would have preferred Soul Flame to remain.

Oh no that was one of my favorite things about affliction! I knew something was missing… Now I know what… also my Tome of Sacrifice was taken away for Destro spec and given to Affliction only.

Honestly I wish this was a Warlock main thing than a Affliction only but that’s just me. I like things to go boom and always trying to spec to AoE damage builds with passive damage that proc as I do my rotation.

Maybe they can mix Tome of Sacrifice to not only give a passive Shadow Damage but Also add the Soul Flame fun Boom, who saids the sacrifice has to be from us or our demons (joking)! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Or if they add the soul flame, maybe make it that does it hit would spread the dots or a Shadow flame dot, to create more explosion as enemies die?
Just silly suggestion out of my head… I’ll try to adapt and try to find the fun in these new talents… until we get the Hero specs… maybe I can find a similar effect on those specs!
:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

Still excited for the TWW and the new changes to Warlock! It’s no “Dark Apotheosis” levels of fun but its REALLY close!
:muscle: :grin:

Just so you know, the grimoire of Sacrifice is in the destruction tree; it shares a talent point with Summoner’s Embrace right above the infernal talent point!

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Oh really TY let me change it up then!
I just NEED that passive DPS in my builds!
Writing it down to look it up I really miss it… I was looking at it for a while thank you again! :sweat_smile:

Honestly Aff needs half of the old artifact nodes and ability back… but I don’t think people are ready for that bc of “overtuned aff lock” PTSD


I tried Affliction in a heroic dungeon yesterday, feels unplayable for 3 reasons:

  • loss of burst aoe damage on monster death (Soul Flame)
  • loss of burst aoe damage from triple Seed of Corruption (Sow the Seeds)
  • continued reliance on Agony to generate soul shards with a 30 second Vile Taint cooldown

edit: I’m not saying we should go back. Soul Flame is fundamentally flawed in how monster health outscales it in M+. I’m just saying I want Affliction playable in casual content too.


Aff feels like a chunk of its soul was cut out. Like all the coolness was stripped from it and its became a modern mcdonalds.

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along with soul flame, would’ve been cool to see hem work a ‘Harvest’ mechanic like ulthalesh’s ability into the hero talents for, y’know Soul Harvester … suppose we’ll have to settle for an endless search for tasty souls…

I mean at least i can imagine my soul demon, discarding souls left and right ala Gordon Ramsey, cause they ain’t good enuff


It’s because WoW “evolved” into a state where Aff “coolness” (core mechanics etc) have no space in 80% of content. Every dungeon has a priority target, need to kill things fast because timer, every or so raid boss have the “kill this add fast” mechanic, your character overscale world content 90% of the time that your Agony wont likely reach it full stacks etc. Everything is “fast” now, so where would you possibly put a DoT ramping class in all of this? Either overtune it or it’s dead. That’s why they introduced Death Bolt and Rapture in BfA and Aff been trashy (and imo boring) ever since.

I was SO sad to hear that they wouldn’t keep Ultalesh artifact ability while almost every class kept their artifact skill :confused:


I have seen this in thread after thread after thread, the fact that it seems like now every class is balanced around a fraction of content. Not everything should be bowing down to M+ as the primary way to balance the classes.

They seem to forget other content exists and when you muck with a class in one fraction of an aspect it can destroy it in another. This is why for the longest time people hated PVP cause classes got balanced around it more then the PVE content when PVP is a fraction of the content. This hard focus on one aspect of the game needs to stop.

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my joy as an afflic warlock has been taken away ): feels very difficult to take down multiple mobs - aoe ability in the trash. class just feels boring and clunky now. blizz take note, dont suck the fun out of this for us.

soul flame AND soul swap gone. whaaaaaaat a waste. bring it back.

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runs around in tiny circles spamming tab-corruption-tab-corruption for tagging

I was very happy to see it return as it was amazing back in Legion, and to see it removed again was sad. It has a very amazing noise when a lot of mobs die, just this PhhhhhWeeeeshhhhh just nothing else like it, and visually something amazing to see that if lacking in Affliction.


Seeing a bunch of Shadow Bolts fly out while I’m channeling Drain Soul is still entertaining me, but yeah, I do find myself missing that pop

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