ILvl 200 and getting better, looking for raiding guild. Came back for Shadowlands, haven’t raided since MoP, looking to do some raiding. Weekend availability. Have been running M+ and have cleared Castle once so far.
We are looking for a lock for our core raid team. we raid wed/thur 9pm til 12 server. If this works for you guild info below, please reach out to one of the officers.
Hey Delton,
Just by what you wrote, I think you’d be a good fit for our guild! We’re currently progressing through normal with plans to dive right into heroic when we finish clearing.
We raid Tuesday and Friday from 8pm-11pm EST. In addition to Raiding, we also run keys, pvp and do some achievement runs.
We’re super active in discord and have a casual family friendly atmosphere as we’ve all been gaming for 15+ years.
If interested, give me an add on bnet @ Slorg#1281!
Hey delton! Please add poter#11947 to talk more ! Thank u!
Hey Delton!
I think our Saturday team would fit you perfect. Below is more info on our team.
Grimace is a new guild with an AOTC core team and aspirations to move into Mythic. We are laid back, looking for progression and constant improvement. Current progress is 10/10N and 4/10H for Castle Nathria.
Raid Times, Recruiting, and Progress:
- Mythic Team - Friday & Sunday 10:30 PM - 1:30 AM EST
- Recruiting All Heals and Ranged DPS
- Progress - 10/10N, 4/10H
- Heroic Team (Casual/Alt) - Saturday 9:00 PM EST - 12:00 AM EST
- Recruiting All Classes and Roles
- Progress - 10/10N
What you get out of Grimace:
- Lots of memes
- Active members
- Mid to late night raid raiding
- Relaxed atmosphere
- Regular Mythic+
To apply please contact:
- Discord - Stisicus#8898 (Pref), BNet - Stis#1648
- BNet - Moo#1421
We are a close-knit adult casual AOTC raid Guild. We have a few spots open for our weekly AOTC raid group. We are currently 10/10n and 1/10h. If you’re looking for a new home and a friendly raid environment focused on killing bosses and having a good time while we do it, look no further. We offer an active and helpful community along with a knowledgeable support/leadership core. Sometimes there are cookies.
Raid Times
We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6:00 PM (Pacific/Standard) to 9:00 PM (Pacific/Standard) (9pm-12am eastern standard time) . The remaining days can be used for optional alt raids and endless amounts of Torghast/Mythic Plus.
We are highly unlikely to deviate from this schedule.
We currently have a need for the following classes:
Death Knight,
Demon Hunter,
Warlock, and
How to Apply
- You can apply by filling out an application here:
Once you have completed the application an officer will get in touch with you quickly. Usually within 24 hours. Be prepared to hop into discord for a short interview.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hey there Delton, My name is Brig I am a raider within Premium on thrall. We are currently 9/10H and are looking for more DPS to fill out our raid team!
Tuesday : 8:00 - 11Est P.M ( OPTIONAL RESET DAY)
Wednesday : 8-11Est P.M
Thursday : 8-11Est P.M
Friday : 8-11Est P.M
Please contact,
Bnet:Odin2054#1223| Discord: Odin2054#0326
If you find these times to be acceptable, or if you have any questions!