Affliction buffs!

5% on ALL abilities? Interesting.

still not enough with the tier set for aff being bad and it getting gutted in 9.0 aff needs a rework so dots do damage again


even if single target damage get buffed to demo/destro level, why would you play a spec with no aoe, while destro/demo dont need to chose between single target or aoe.


Because ive played affy for 16 years and i cant let it go. *sob


yeah the tier set should also include S.O.C in it. like a free seed cast proc


is a joke lol,

affliction just need more shards regenerations for spam more seeds is all

it needs so much more than that

Affliction really shines when you’re leveling below 30 and or you’re going through legacy content at 60


What do you mean? Unless you’re pushing 26+, you literally play whatever spec you want. Unless you’re doing hardcore mythic raid prog, pre 100 nerfs to the raid, you play whatever spec you want. Unless you’re doing 2.4k+ PvP rating, you play whatever spec you want.

To the non top 5% of the playerbase, literally every spec is completely fine for the other 95% of the playerbase.


Pretty sure every spec/class has gotten glad

I think so, too, but yeah it just means play whatever you wanna play rather than feel a need to always be only meta. 95-99% of the population doesn’t go that hardcore and will be completely fine playing the spec they want to play.


Honestly the hardest part about playing these days is people only invite you if you are a meta spec. I mostly just try to make my own keys when playing non meta specs. Even though I usually top dps as non meta, people sometimes just deny me because my name isn’t green, light green, or purple :confused:

But yea everything can do everything

Good luck making it to the key drop as Affy in a pug.


What do you mean? I don’t play Demo or Destro and I’m literally invited to keys all the time as Affliction in pugs. I don’t do guild mythic+ since I gotta work when they do theirs, so I always pug mine. Do I get declined? Yeah but it’s not because I’m Affliction, it’s because I don’t have anywhere near the IO score or mythic+ score people want for 12-15s.

Granted, I don’t do higher than 17s, which was only once but 99% of the time I only do level 12-15s, but even then they still have absurd mythic+ score they want from everyone.

Like several times I asked why they declined me. I got told “Ur not 3k+ score” and I’m like “yo, you’re doing a 10, surely that’s a bit much, yeah? Especially for a 10.”

Let’s not try and pretend affliction is good. Sure, you can do 15-20’s with it, but it’s just so much lower than demo (and destro but destro was bonkers).

I occasionally play affliction in a key when i’m bored, but it is just so bad comparatively (and I generally parse 90+ as aff in raid when I feel like being a burden).

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Kalamazi has it simming well so far might finally be time to go back to affliction


I think affliction only needs a better 4 set pieces synergy. Something worth using it.


thats not true lol, afflict need more sinergy and more shards regeneration for doing amazing in seed build

Did you watch the video? He had it simming right around demo numbers. How can you pretend it’s not true without watching the sims? He’s the best lock resource we have and if he thinks it’s gonna be ok. I’m inclined to believe him .