Affliction and Windwalker damage are completely out of hand

I see this opinion everywhere about affy and i have no idea where it comes from.

I was watching supa push rank 1 and he was malding because “affliction never dies” so he just didnt go aff and lost. Then he got affy on his team, affy got trained and died in 3 minutes.

We literally take infinite damage outside of pact, i think this is just a fried take that keeps being spread around by people who feed us precog and cant stop soul rot healing.

It’s padded damage and can be completely neutered by various Healers - Affliction the

Fistweaver only broken if u don’t cc fistweaver.

Ahhh, my bad. Fistweaver is only broken when it’s not playing the game. My bad.

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So you’re fighting season 3 WW’s?

Stunning the fistweaver here


Ok sancs over gonna full fear him here


Ok he’s off dr gonna stun him into fear


Where is the clip?

We talking about perfect situation here where people are observant and have tools to get fist of anything. I played yesterday games where I got 'cced to hell as fist and went 0:6 at 2100mmr where no one did anything to help me stay on the target or get me out of cc…
Game before i went 6:0 where i did get santed, freedom and etc… So life isn’t greaner being fist.

At the end i ain’t plaing fist anymore but rather just do WW. I only like casting MW

LOL I’m sorry i about choked on my water.

Yea, the other poster is ignoring how fistweaver can be really affective staying back and healing at max range. If you are constantly rushing into battle to fistweave, you are playing the spec wrong. Let the melee come to you and then start fistweaving. Don’t run around chasing people.

whatever about the other stuff but ww must stay

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I garuntee you if you posted a full vod of that lobby there would be multiple critical errors be identified