Tested the Affliction Tier set for Undermine(d) and it is now indeed spreading Unstable Affliction to target dummies in the overworld.
Some initial observations/feedback:
- It is spreading to units within 40 yards I am not in combat with, making single target testing on target dummies difficult.
- The Darkglare proc of Jackpot haste bonus will only proc at 6% instead of the stated 12%, and the UAs the Darkglare proc of Jackpot spreads is only 2 instead of 3, and the 2 it does spread dealing less damage. The random procs of Jackpot are spreading 3 at the standard damage, and giving the correct 12% haste.
- The Jackpot buff effect does not state Unstable Affliction having 50% increased damage, BUT IT IS happening when you check the UA debuff on enemies.
- I had a period where Jackpot went about 1 minute a 15 seconds without triggering, then triggered again 20 seconds later. It seems quite inconsistent.
- The additionally spread UA’s indeed do not seem to benefit from talents such as Xavius’ Gambit or Focussed Malignancy. I believe this also includes Malediction, Contagion, and Creeping Death, as the spreadable UA’s crit less, deal smaller crit damage, and were ticking slower than my castable UA.
Damage umbers (Hellcaller, did not take Death’s Embrace, though I don’t think it would have mattered as I don’t think the spread UA’s are benefitting from talents, 2 minutes):
- AoE the UA came in at 4th highest damage, at 7% total damage dealt, just above Blackened Soul.
- Single-Target (again hard to calculate because it kept spreading to other dummies, but when taking away the extra UAs and focussing on the castable one), UA came in just ahead of Agony at 10% damage dealt.
Would love more people to test it out and post feedback/observations.
While I know some bugs still remain, overall this tier set for Affliction feels lacking for me still.