Afflicted is the worst affix in the history of M+, god help us all

Oh noooo, you have to try to trust the people you willingly jump into a group with to do their jobs! That would no doubt be much easier if you networked and found a consistent group of people you know that’re good and how to function!

Really? You can’t do anything about incorp either without sacrificing a bunch of talents to get Shattering Throw, and that one is detrimental to the whole group if it goes bad because then you just get 100% of doing nothing.

Find an organized group. Problem solved.

you either doing low keys OR your healer is just doing the basic and thus you dont have to worry about it, you lucky i guess

The problem is when the only people that can interact with the affix don’t do it and everyone gets punished

Prolly yes

I am a healer doing 20s-22s.


Fury isn’t brought to keys this week with an expectation of dealing with it. You are brought for your numbers.


I’m pretty sure Aks is a resto main.


“Oh yeah? Well, what do you know?”

Yeah, I run with my husband’s prot pally (sup, Fairlight!) and we’re usually able to tag team all the incorps, so we can take pretty much any dps we want, though it’s rare that we don’t have another dispel in our group.

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dead mobs are real good class utility


If only all healers did the same you do, most don’t even do the basic

Fair enough, but he can still dispell one and heal the other

it is not, Blizz gotta change something to encourage people to get better

they can start by copying Final Fantasy XIV and making mechanics more easily readable so we won’t need an addon to help us with mechanics

You make it sound so simple.

You prolly didn’t read the whole post or simply ignored the part i was talking about joining a guild or having a group of friends lmao, good argument bro

yeah i checked it after, i usually don’t have this problem with my ret pala doing 20s but while trying to gear my alts doing 11s and 16s i’m having a lot of problems with bad players

I know, but my numbers will literally be cut in half when my healer and the other specs that can interact with this affix ignore it and i have -100% haste

he’s part of a minority of people who actually knows how to play their role/spec

he’s actually knows, you thought i was going to say sh*t to him? lol

like i said, he’s part of a minority that knows how to play the game

the problem is the majority of players that actually doesn’t know

no wait let me rephrase that

the problem is Blizzard doing a bad game design with a affix that cannot be interacted by a lot of specs in the game


Do you know how much healing those require? Far more GCDs than that ret pally’s single cleanse or that mage’s single decurse.

And yes, it is simple for them to help out. It’s bonkers to me you want to throw your healer under the bus instead of being upset the two other dps couldn’t use a single GCD to help out.

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I’m a healer in keys for high keys in keys that keys and I hate afflicted because it’s just another thing us pugger healers have to pay attention to. We already do most of the work in this crap now we got another job.


Lol you can’t have -100% haste unless yo……oh

I know this is most likely a typo but I had so much fun reading this because I pictured some PTSD as you had to reflect on what you were saying and whether or not you really liked running keys - high keys - as a pug healer.


I really feel like the affix is overblown.

The problem, imo, is people bring a horrendous comp to deal with it. If someone is brining something like a Warlock, Warrior, DH as their DPS they aren’t thinking about the affix.

If you can’t deal with it as a Warrior that’s perfectly fine, the issue is not bringing like a DPS Shaman, Druid, Mage, Monks, Priest, or Paly to help out (I guess we can thrown in Evoker too >_<). That’s all it takes to nail the affix down, 1 of those classes as DPS and to be aware that the affix exists in the first place.

I would mention tanks but I feel for tanks in the middle of a scary pull so I’m not going to include them, if they can handle it though even better.

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Usually healers are more intelligent players, that’s why i don’t trust random tanks and specially DPS to do anything at all

If i’m a healer and i see the first set of Afflicted was ignored by my tank paladin and my mage dps, i’ll start dispelling one and healing the other because i will never trust two incompetents to help dealing with it, i’ll try to teach them once, if they ignore it and keep making mistakes i just give up

In this group i was i even tried to teach them 3 TIMES but they ignored it

i went from 300k dps overall to 150k-130k because EVERY SINGLE ONE was going out and i had the debuff almost 100% uptime

Me and the Warlock who were carrying them we just left, i’m not wasting my time with people who ignore simple mechanics even after being told 3x how to do it

I wasn’t even toxic, i just explained simple and directly to them lol

“Please dispell ghost” i said ghost because maybe they didnt knew what Afflicted even was

Then i said “Please don’t let the affix go out”

i even explained about the -100% haste we were having all the time

the priest just said “PLEASE STOP” because i was pinging the affix ghost, and guess what, it kept going out and debuffing everyone :clown_face:

the Warlock said the same

and then the Priest kept saying “that’s not true, there’s nothing wrong” lmao

after that i just left i dont care

my sanity is more important than some crests and flightstones

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Stop playing with incompetent people.

It’s not a healer only affix, it’s a group affix, multiple classes can dispel or off heal it to full

I agree both afflicted and incorporeal are bad, but “healer affix” neither are

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Again, please tell me how many GCDs it takes to heal one. If your healer was a holy priest, they might’ve been able to do it without issue. A disc priest might struggle to top one off in time.

When you checked dispels at the end of the run, how many did the pally and mage have compared to the priest?

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How would i know they were incompetent before seeing them playing and learning they were incompetent?

“Check their IO”

most of them had 2k io, which is not good or too much i know


it was a +11 WM, with 2k io doing a +11 should be a walk in the park dont you think?

i’m a 2700 and i will push for 3k later but now i’m gearing my Fury alt that’s why i’m doing 11s and then 16s

this week is gonna be a nightmare doing those low keys lmao

if you’ve read my whole reply you woulve know i didnt, in fact, saw the end of the run xD

Y’all are allowed to think needing “specific group comps” is a bad thing. Blizzard isn’t the infallible genius you think they are.

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