Affix System Updates in The War Within

This is a freaking W for the vast majority of players


Does it matter? Key levels are just % gains anyways, this just means the top end may not be as high as it is now but that doesn’t really do anything, no? If 18 is the highest instead of 20 does it really change anything for pushing keys?

Nobody wants to hack on a boss for 6 minutes repeating the mechanics over and over and over again hence why tyrannical sucks it needs to be reworked If it means the boss hits harder fine but way it scaled health is horrendous.


For pushing keys, no. However, taken without any other announced design changes (which may or may not be coming), there is still no acknowledgment of the one-shot design philosophy remaining prevalent instead of getting change.

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Why do we still have the extra damage modifier for both?
In fortified weeks you get one-shot more likely by certain abilities but you can at least progress a trash pack. In Tyrannical weeks bosses might one-shot players 1-2 keys earlier and wiping on a boss is a full reset of this pull. This major difference has always lead to fortified being favored. What is preventing you from just differentiating between AoE vs. ST heavy weeks?

The entire purpose is that you have a flawless run = you are able to climb higher, deaths should be punished and also this will lower the strength of cheesy death skips/dying to go swap things at entrance etc.


What an enormous win!

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get rid of Challenger’s Peril and move when you get the second tyran/fort to +11. then these changes seem good.

Curious to see how this plays out.

Kiss/Curse Affix sounds great.

Starting the really “Eff you” stuff at +7, I would hope puts to rest to the “raining of mythic raid” gear from M+, since now you basically need, as mentioned to greatly avoid dying at that point.

I doubt I’ll be doing anything +12, which is fine with me, but I’m curious to see how that plays out.

Maybe I’ll try m+ in the beta this week, assuming they work on hpal.

That affix on +7s where you lose more time when you die is horrendous, I think that needs to be looked at again. It does not have a single positive benefit. All that is going to do is incentivize people to leave more keys and result in more depleted keys.

It’s already bad enough as is. Please revisit that, unless dungeon timers are bigger to compensate cant see that going well.


This will still happen if Tyrannical was removed, it would just happen a couple key levels later. Removing Tyrannical doesn’t solve the problem at all, just delays it. It also isn’t really relevant below the old +20 (new +10) level anyway, bosses don’t have that much HP and don’t take that long unless your group is terrible.

Beyond that point both Tyrannical and Fortified will always be active and it’s no different from just having the key level go up by +2 or +3.



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Most hated tryannical so there idea is ok we will just give you tyrannical every week now lmao good feedback blizz.

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My only concern with including Tyrannical affix on every week is the time the keys will take. I’m worried that boss fights will be 5+ mins every key. I am hoping with this testing we will see Tyrannical scaled back, slightly above fortified but shorter than its current level.

Otherwise I am excited to test these out.

Not so much about the affixes, but I posted this in the other thread. Just wanted to add this in here to get some visability. Its my thought about promoting participation in higher M+ keys via rewards.

M+ Tier appearance and Transmog rewards

Currently in wow during each new season there is a number of color variants for that seasons tier set. Currently these correspond to the 4 raid difficulties (LFR, Normal, Heroic, And Mythic) as well as PVE. Currently M+ is the only pillar of endgame that doesn’t reward a unique tier appearance. People are incentivized by rewards to try harder content, and I think there is room to experiment with transmog rewards for M+. Much like PVP, appearances can be rewarded in a similar way as they are in PVP based on rating.

In the past we have had transmog armor sets and weapons through challenge mode dungeons in MoP and WoD that is looked upon fondly. The mage tower still stands out as one of the best pieces of content the team has put out.

Title Rewards

Currently the M+ season title reward is for the top 0.1% rating. I think there is room to expand this slightly.

  • Create a title reward that covers the top 0.1% rating for each specs. It can be one title for all, but its rewarded based on the spec rather than the whole of M+. This allows more spec expression rewarding those who push rating with classes/spec that don’t fall in the “meta”.

  • Create a World First/Server first/Cutting edge equivalent title for different key levels (+15/+18/+20 whichever). Brings some of the race aspect of world first to the start/middle of the season while the M+ season title push covers the back end.



Yep thats exactly what its doing, as soon as a couple people chain die, someone will just hearth out bc it wont be time-able anymore. And assuming crests stay the same you get way less for not timing so furthering the reason to leave


Most of these changes are huge improvements, good work. I do worry that between losing a beneficial affix, gaining a +20% health/damage affix, and getting both fort and tyran active all at the same key level the jump from a +11 to a +12 is going to be brutal. But I appreciate that the focus is moving away from mechanical affixes and towards the main challenge being the dungeon itself. I don’t mind the Challenger’s Peril affix as a concept, as disincentivizing strats involving intentional deaths is probably a good thing, though it might be better to move it from +7 to a higher key level where you’re hopefully less likely to run into bad pugs (maybe +10 could work, idk).


Every week is now a push week, these changes are great.


Awesome changes! Do have a thought related to this part of the announcement:

If this is the case and dungeons are stepping up in difficulty at a +7, is there any consideration to reverting back to Aspect Crests dropping at this key level rather then a +9? It’s a bit weird that the increase in challenge doesn’t present an equal increase in reward, at least in my opinion.


This is a massive win! I love the bargain affixes being kiss curse without affecting spec diversity. I hope disrupt means like across the board displacement stuns incaps. I just don’t want an evoker wasting a 40 sec c/d intterupt on a haste buff but that’s a miniscule gripe.

I don’t understand people asking for tyran and fort to be removed when the dungeons will be tuned across to board more or less to the same level of difficulty without them.

Good job blizzard! Good job devs! :clap:

The benefit is increased difficulty and making mistakes more punishing. It is so you cant wipe 4 times and still time a key like you can in several dungeons now.