Aff pretty good on beta

They should bring back the agony tick speed buff for shard gen but it actually feels like a dot spec again. They even made shadowbolt fun again with volley proc ways to generate nightfall procs. Gave us an execute back and a haste cooldown in hellcaller… overall I think they did well.


I like the feel of Destro with all the demons spawning and firing bolts. It feels rewarding and fun.

Affliction feels strong, but I am certain that other classes may be stronger and affliction will lag behind (PVP Perspective) other classes/specs. I hope that’s not the case.

I think that some of the talents in the Soul Harvester tree are lackluster, like the 2% damage increase to shadow/fire spells. I would rather have something interesting like another DoT added to the target. Nothing too strong, but long lasting to buff the MR casts more, and maybe apply some sort of debuff, mortal strike effect, or temporary stat drain.

I haven’t really played with Demo a whole lot.