Aff lock needs help

Affliction lock is in a rough spot - why? Because their dots do low damage. Granted, I’m only 241 ilvl gear, but still - it’s pretty bad. You have 2 main dots you can apply and on the target dummy combined they do a whole 900 dps. You then have another one that can only be applied to one person (can talent to be able to it on 3 people) and this one also does about 900 dps.

Outside of that, you have shadowbolt which hits for 1200 dmg with a 1.5 cast time and maelfecent rupter that deals 972 dmg per dot on the target and takes a soul shard.

Even when I do the 3 dots + night fae dot + a talented 30 sec cd dot this move hits for about 5700. Fighting my friend with 72k hp where he stood there I used all my dots, spammed 5 ruptures, used a skill for 30% haste and I wasn’t even able to kill him despite popping everything with a good 15 seconds worth of casting.

I was excited leveling up my lock as aff and really enjoying it, but now that I’m starting to do pvp, I’m losing the love I had. I know I’m only 242 ilvl and in say 1400 conquest gear it’d be 265 or something, but I’m not so sure that the extra 23 ilvls will truly make aff compare to all the other classes.

For a dot class, the dots feel super weak - they need to buff the dot dmg by at least 50% imo.

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My 253 ilvl aff lock sits at 5.5-6k dps while being trained no 4 set and only 1 leggy. Just get more gear and youll see how powerful aff can really be the only problem is double melee might murder you really well.

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U literally have a green weapon


Just press drain life with y’all’s trinket backpacking and kill the whole team lmao.


You goofed with this thread bro incoming screenshot flood of affi pulling 25k dps in 3’s


Affliction has some flaws in the current meta but its damage is very strong usually. You can’t really use a 1v1 example where you have no gear to say that it’s weak.

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you ok homie?

Affliction DoT damage is fantastic. I’m loving it. I agree shadow bolt can be buffed so it’s a relevant cast again, but affliction is absolutely fine right now.

If you want kill windows, play destro. Affliction can set up kill, but if you play for dampening/mana, you’re extremely powerful if you focus on surviving.

I feel like the better player wins, unless it’s an extremely unfavorable matchup (DH DK or something) which you still can win, albeit hard. And rsham isn’t meta so it’s still ok.

I’m glad to see that it gets better, I’ll keep pushing to get better gear and will come back in about a month! :smiley:

And fix that mog :face_vomiting:

The only thing I would buff is the corruption damage a little bit, maybe 10-15%.

There’s already a legendary for it but no one plays it, and it does barely 4.7k damage at 256 (267) pvp ilvl.

I will say the other dots are fine.

Ua agony and corruption are kind of a joke but that’s because most of our dmg is in rapture and soul rot


that’s why affliction needs to be more dot focused again instead of it being packed into rupture and minion cd.

in a game where burst is king, people complained of affliction lacking a knockout punch, and this is what we get.

i’d rather go back to melting faces…

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Still think malefic grasp was the perfect thing for this shadowlands affliction update because it was amazing to press and allowed us to channel dots into a non resource costing damaging spell that would be amazing to have with our x3 ua ability.

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Warlock had Malefic Grasp in 5.4.0 in MoP.

It caused all of the Warlock’s other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 30% of their normal periodic damage.

It was perfect in design choice and fit the theme of the spec, not this crap we have now.

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Aff works a little different than most sl specs. Most specs have a lot of damage modifiers that gets them big numbers when they stack em. Aside from last season with deathbolt aff does it’s damage with haste modifiers making all your dots tick like 3 times in a single gcd.

So yeah you see your dots ticking 500-1k and think it’s no damage but you have to account for

  1. dreamweaver soulbind
  2. soul rot legendary
  3. dark soul
  4. rapid contagion
  5. 90% chance you’re playing with a spriest or hpriest so you’ll get PI
  6. drain life leggo making drain life do it’s full damage in about a second. That’s like 5k ticks X5 in a second.

If you watch maldiva triple dot everything and pop his cd with pi and aoe drain life, everyone takes about 50k damage in a second, all pets in his vicinity instantly die and he is pulling 15-20k dps.

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Agreed. But feels like Destro needs help the most. Dmg is just not there in instants.

Do u play on a private server or do u just vibe with the sentiment from 2 years ago

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People who necro old threads deserve to go to bed with no dinner.


unironically, aff being OK for the next 20 years is fine with me. do not ever ever make aff good. it’s super cringe to play/heal against.

edit: missed a letter

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