Aff lock 11.1

I find it hard to believe that Affliction has not been reworked on PTR also that the warlock class tree has not been pruned of 2 point talents and the defensives upgraded. new PVP talent bloodstones does not work Aff tier set broken.


I guess I can check “find out if its worth leveling my lock for s2” off my To Do list. Bummer.

Sorry but mage needs another rework, Guldan forbid they don’t get another one for the umpteenth time this expansion.

I’ve been preaching for a rework of our class tree for a while now, but the devs seem fixated on Mage and Pallies. At least Hunters got some love this PTR, they needed it too.


aff feels incredibly underwhelming and even more disheartening is the fact the we get zero buffs in the next patch oh except drain life buff which is just unscrewing the pooch that some idiot messed up oh and the super minor change to soul rot for those that play it cause everyone loves having soul rot rammed up their butt hole for the third xpac in a row on top of that talent tree for aff just plain sucks. we need someone that plays warlock to be in charge of development of warlock and warlock changes or rehire the person who knew how to make lock fun cause they clearly arnt influencing it any more


they’ve completely destroyed any reason to play their game.


You’re doing the best thing you can for it though. We need everyone to make useful posts like yours, comment on threads, and just keep pushing the topic. Even better when posts include useful views for development like your thoughts on the 2-point nodes and things.

It’s really difficult to cut through the noise when I can only count about 3 Affliction Warlock threads on the new PTR and Warlock Forums, and there are (at my last count) over 40 MM Hunter threads all talking about their new changes.

The issue is it has been pretty bad for so long people have lost interest. It called self defeating. Made the class so bad that hardly anyone plays it so it gets no attention because no one plays it. It stays broken so eventually the people playing it give up. You can even see it woth our lone warrior Kalamazi. He hardly touches on Affliction anymore. So sad that this iconic spec has been so tanked.

Modern wow requires a way without pvp to apply dots without taking 4+ GCD and to refresh in aoe situations. They have done this with all other dot relavent specs. But the original dot spec is now one of the least effective dot classes.l

Low burst should equal High sustain its a trade off. In current wow for Aff low burst equals mid level sustain, whoever buffed Haunt to give better burst is moving in wrong direction dot based AFF should have much better sustain. So not as good on trash mobs but top tier on bosses.


Walrock has possibly had the most attention this expansion up until the recent PTR where its finally shifted to other classes.

You may not like the 1231251 changes they’ve made to Demo, but they’ve stilled made 1231251 changes to Demo.
Destro and Aff sure they’re not as loved as Demo for whatever reason, but to say Warlock gets no attention is ignorant.

I’d still like to see them split the spec tree into two sides - one side focusing on a rapture playstyle, the other side more focused on dot damage. That or a return to legion playstyle where UA was the spender and dots actually mattered. It probably isn’t going to happen, but its nice to dream.

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I feel like the DoT vs Rapture damage profile is the direction it’s been moving towards for a while. I do think it’s a nice aim for the spec overall, and our kit is quite complimentary to this. I posted over in the Undermine(d) PTR channel the direction I’d like to see it go if you want to take a look and give the thread some love.

Regarding the whole Rapture vs UA spender; I’ve really come to enjoy Rapture after all this time. I did enjoy UA as the spender, but it had its own issues we forget through rose coloured glasses. Nothing worse then getting 5 UAs rolling on something then having it die lol.

do we know how the new soul rot works? is it the new 50% heal from the spell plus drain life healing? or did they remove the draining component from it?

Affliction needs numbers tuning. The overall playstyle is fine. As a “setup then burst” spec it’s never going to keep up with zugzug melee on weak trash mobs, but it should have good sustain and very strong spread pressure. Currently numbers seem a bit low.

PvP could use some buffs too. Specifically the backlash damage of UA being dispelled. No class or spec should have their entire dps burn cycle countered by an 8 second cd dispel. In fact nobody does except us.

The class tree definitely needs a lookover as well. So many useless talents in there, too many 2 point nodes, and good talents in unreachable places, but that’s not an affliction specific problem

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Yeah this was mostly related to Affliction spec although our class tree needs work as well. Aff has hardly had any changes even during beta… it is well behind both Lock specs and most other dps specs as well.

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Every expansion is the same thing, everyone complaining and asking for a rework because their class/spec feels bad for them, yet everyone plays it. The game will never be perfect, even if they rework the class/spec you will still find reasons to complain about it. Every class forum is the same thing.

I am not saying warlock is perfect at this moment, but this is such unnecessary drama. Affliction feels great, Soul Rot is great, Shadow Bolt is great. I think they should make Hellcaller more playable so you can have an alternative though.

I understand you might have your subjective opinion and you might not like the spec, but don’t say it as it was an absolute truth because not every warlock player agrees with this. Gameplay preference is subjective.

Aff lock is least played dps spec for a reason my man… it seems alot of people have the same opinion.


You’re right in saying every Class Forum is a total whinge-fest. I think the difference these posts are highlighting is stats wise Affliction looks to be hurting both tuning and design wise. Couple this with us being one of the least played specialisations. People are understandably frustrated. Rarely is anyone making unnecessary drama. I know you’re feeling invalidated with what the OP posted, but don’t try and invalidate their thread, just make your own thread and express your view. A Thread about buffs to Hellcaller Aff where you can give your thoughts would be very useful.

We are one of the specialisations with the fewest overall talents, most 2-talent nodes, and about 6 of our talents are ‘X deals % more damage/X has a % reduced cast time’.

Also it’s week 3 of the PTR now and our Tier set is still bugged after testing it this morning. Unstable Affliction still won’t spread.

Affliction is hurting right now. Let’s not create circular threads with nothing but arguments between one another.


I can’t believe they are giving us the choice to remove our healthstone defensive in order to can a haste benefit.

Talking about tone deaf to the class. They have to do away with the whole sacrifice to gain a benefit crap that they used to have when the class actually was tanky.

Warlock is automatic focus in every PvP match because it has the highest death rate of any class in PvP.


Honestly, a few specific talents and soul harvester hard carry affliction.

The spec talent tree is not very good at all.

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The only thing I think is needed is fixing the Agony misalignment with vile taint.

Not to say aff doesn’t have other pain points. But a basic addressing of something as simple as CD alignments seems a small enough ask.

Maybe in PvE it is the least played one, and I realize PvE is 90% of the game. What is bad about Affliction that needs change for you? I agree that SH carries the spec as someone said here, but most specs are being carried by a hero talent atm.