Aff in TWW

I miss affliction. Any chance it’ll be worth a darn in m+ come tww? I’d like to pick up a lock again…

Depends if you consider the other Warlock specs being better than Affliction a bad thing.
Because Destro and Demo are just so good in TWW right now. I’m an affliciton player too but man Diabolist Destro looks fun and powerful.

But will it be meta?
Who knows. Could play like hot garbage but if the numbers are there then it would be.

Personally I’ll be running Affliction through Delves for my TWW end-game.

Aff st atm is the highest among classes (obviously damage not tuned atm) and our aoe basically starts 5-6 seconds into pulls which allows us to just straight murder every single mob with wither.

Basically if you not sure what wither does it is just corruption so it can be spread from seed (was doing 70% of my damage without haste) and everytime you malefic it increases is dam by 1 stack (similar to agony) and each tick it takes 1 stack.

We currently have a ability from hell-caller called Malevolence (1 minute cd)that increases all wither stacks by 3 and allows malefics to give another stack so you can get like 15-20 stacks during burst windows almost instantly, while also vile tainting for shards.

Wither was ticking for 500ks after a minute of just pumping without dark glare (with malevolence though) which is the same damage as a buffed TV but on every target.

The feeling of aff is amazing atm in st 2-3 cleave and 5+ targets).

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Wither stacks do not increase it’s damage, it procs a separate damage source like shadow priest’s idol of nzoth.

I also hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no shot wither isn’t getting nerfed, a single ability doing more than half the entire kit’s damage is bound to get hit.

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I don’t have the beta, but from what I’ve seen Affliction looks great.

Hellcaller finally feels more like a DoT class with great damage from Wither. I really, really like how it looks.
Soul Harvester feels more like current version where you have great damage by dumping shards on MRs during your burst windows.

It was nerfed once already, but yeah, no shot its not getting nerfed again, its just too strong now. I just hope they wont nerf it too much.


I’m actually running a pure DoT build right now that doesn’t utilize Dark Glare instead my burst CD is Malevolence.
Will it be good to run without Darkglare? Probably not. But for solo play and potentially delves I think it’ll be fun.

wither is so good.
Im loving aff so far for PVP reasons.
But the impending class-wide balance/rebalancing before release has me scared.

They can easily make wither feel like potato qq.

Aff looks absolutely gnarly in PvP atm. Idk about M+ or raids tho.

Keep in mind, I’m in greens in Beta and at 4500K health as afflction. so those 100k ticks from Wither aren’t that impressive.

My Withers are doing 160k crit and then the Acute mechanic is ticking for an additional 60k every sec in all greens random stats on the beta right now. I am running a DoT crit build though with Contagion and Malediction.
For a DoT that’s a ton. To put it into perspective, 18 stack Agony is doing 68k crits.
And the Tier Set will amplify it even more.

It’s worth a darn now. It’s just not the best spec.

It’s also looking strong in WW.

affliction looks great is the keyword blizz needs to make nerfs happen. nah jk itll happen anyways