Who are we - AETHEREAL is a formed guild as of October 2024 with a solid 8/8 heroic with 4/8M team running 2 nights a week. Solid m+ community always looking for more to push beyond 2500.
Recruiting -
Tank for heroic+mythic prog (war DK pally) plus any extra for m+ and upcoming second team!
DPS for raiding and m+/ second team
Healers for m+ and second heroic prog team
Also currently chasing pvp members. A few current guild members are looking into rated BG and arenas. Will be looking for a shot caller and those dedicated to the grind!
What we are looking for - currently the guild is looking for like minded chill and social players for both raiding heroic/mythic running Wednesday and Thursday nights 7.30pm-10.30pm svt with Saturday nights being social fun night (alts or currently tw raid) and m+. Guild is running keys every day of the week with players spanning from Perth to New Zealand.
Very helpful leadership and a lot of knowledgeable players within!
Who to contact -
Discord link. gg/vMBZ8At6 . on discord grounds keeper shauno. Dino or Zero for a chat. Otherwise a msg here will do also
Hey bud.
Indeed welcome for a chat. Should have a discord link and or a discord name there you can reach me on so itâs outa forums.
Or can add on bnet both myself and crazyviking for an ingame chat
Hey all,
Looking for more DPS & Healers to fill our ranks.
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Now currently like many guilds clearing heroic in 1 night. (Wednesdays)
Currently looking for to fill the mythic prog team. 1M on first night sadly having to fill with pugs so downtime when people leave due to wipes. Looking for regulars wanting to raid in a chill enviro. Eventually turning to wed Thurs mythic prog and Saturday nights on the piss heroic raid.
Tanks - none
Healers - priest or evoker for full time mythic spot
DPS - high priority on Mages, Evokers (aug and or dev)
Loot council based mythic prog with fair distribution of drops.
Still also taking any exceptional players for m+ with high priority on tanks healers and dps wanting to push into the 2700-3k bracket
Wednesday Night Full Heroic Clear.
Thursday Mythic Progression.
LF Mage / Pres Evoker
Discord: zej.
Link: 7wCR6eqGcC
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8/8H clear in 90mins
3/8M so far and still recruiting to fill gaps.
DPS - aug evoker + any other exceptional players (please no more warlocks we have 3)
3/8 Mythic Guild Run
LF RDPS Mage & Aug Evoker.
8/8H 3/8M still chasing mage/aug to fill mythic team position.
Aswell as any other players keen on m+ and heroic clears / degenerate gambling of your gold.
Active guild with keys done daily and always trying to push our members
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Latest update.
Wednesday will now be Mythic Progression going forward. Open to Trials still for our ranks.
Actively looking for Aug Evoker and Mage.
Bump. Raiding starting back up 8th of Jan.
Would you consider someone coming back to the game for next season? I like to play Ret Pally and Enhance shaman. MY BT is Blood#1210
hey mate, added you on bnet to chat.
Bump. Nothing of new. Raiding starting back this Wednesday. Full heroic and Thursday into mythic
Head over to discord and find grounds keeper shauno or Dino for a chat
Very welcoming guild and if your looking to moving things forward, this is your guild. Give them a try.
Raids are back, LF mythic raid ready DPS.
Solid effort. 4/8 team looking for more capable mythic ready dps. Hit up the discord and chase down grounds keeper shauno. Dino or zero for a chat. Link in original post uptop
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Recruiting more for S2, join the discord and lets chat.