About Us:
We are a newly formed Horde guild here on Mankrik that is looking to be primarily focusing on 10M heroic content going into Cataclysm and beyond. While the guild is new, our core player base is made up of high-end raiders spanning back to the original WotLK and most of us have been playing together for 10+ years.
If you’re also just looking for a chill guild to hang out in and level and socialize, anyone is welcome to join!
Raiding Information:
Time: Tues/Thurs 6-9PM EST/ST.
Loot: Primarily MS>OS with light LC (raid wide discussion over who could best utilize an item).
Recruitment Needs:
Core spots currently closed.
Always recruiting for bench & social spots for alt runs!
Battle tag: deristus#1450
Discord: deristus
Updated 8/4/24
Still looking for players to push content during Cata! Come have fun, chill, and kill dragons!
Yeah, what I said. Just on the right char this time >.>
Team one is looking for SV Hunter & Arms warrior. Our other raid team just needs a ret or holy paladin! Come join the fun!
With Cata approaching closer and closer, we’re still looking to find our SV Hunter and Arms Warrior! Start this expansion off right and blazing!
Bumping it up!
Current progression is 9/13H! Looking for a solid Non-Blood DK Tank and a Ret Paladin!
Contact Deristus from above, or myself:
Discord: demindar
Btag: Demindar#11942
I have been back to Cata / WoW for about 3 weeks now and currently i357 my primary focus has been getting geared and professions maxed and now I’m to a point I would like to start raiding. I played original Cataclysm and cleared Firelands / BWD / ToT4W etc regularly. It’s been a good while since I’ve done those raids ( 10+ years ) but I imagine I would refresh rather quickly. I’m great with mechanics, I’m reliable I’m always studying my class and how to be as efficient as possible while using addon’s & WA’s and really I’d like to start progressing with a group who shares those qualities. If you guys are looking for a solid DPS please feel free to hit me up.
IG: HâVøÇ#1618
Discord: hav0c3870