Aesthetically: Dwarf or Gnome Rogue?

Out of pure looks, what race looks better in rogue sets? For me, I like the animations and the fantasy of a gnome rogue better. For some reason I don’t like dwarf animations. But I imagine dwarves look much better in the sets.


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Both gnome and dwarf look awful. Roll human or roll one of the horde races. The two you asked about are the two worst looking races.

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In descending order: Humans > Orcs > Night Elves for animations and gear. Honorable mention to tauren cause they can look imposing in some sets.

Dwarf, gnome, troll and forsaken look goofy af.

Everyone below OP has crap tier opinions. Trolls and Dwarves are by far the 2 best races in WoW HANDS DOWN.

Them lil ankle biters are good for soups though.


Coming from a shecow? HA! Dorfs are the peak of masculinity and sex appeal.


female pink twin tailed gnome with nogenfrogen
it is the ONLY choice

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Bruh, you’re literally playing as livestock.

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Lol, none :joy: