Is anyone actually taking this? When I saw it I thought it was a great solution to smooth out a little bit of damage in general - especially from a boomy perspective. But then when I saw it competed with Renewal it just seems like a total wasted talent now.
Maybe this is more of a PVP issue, but I’d much rather want to have a 30% heal when I need it, vs a little passive heal when I don’t and healer isn’t even in CC.
Would’ve been better implemented as an additional talent to take vs a choice node IMO.
A lot of people will take it because the point of it is to have a passive alternative to an extra button and many people probably never bothered to press renewal even when they had it.
It’s just a button bloat reduction option which usually are a bit worse than the active ability option.
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I agree, having some version of this as a follow-up talent node to Renewal would have been nice. I’m trying it for now, like Zen said, it’s nice to have one button less. But I do agree that for Arena minmaxing, it’s probably better to have Renewal as on-demand recovery, esp. when buffed from Frenzied Regen.
To me its better into high CC comps where you can go 100% to zero in a stun like RMP. Since you cant press renewal inside a stun its better to take the passive talent.