Aerie Peak Alliance Reconnections

I used to play a Night Elf Hunter called Zeebgrafor. There were two people I used to play with but I can’t remember the names you had, I just remember a lot of messing around in the salt flats and one of you got a rare staff from fishing and freaked out about it.

I remember Shyce. There was another lock named Kefka…or “Surfka”

I was in The Fire Within, Infamous, CHAOS, and a few others I think.

Lineofeld - Warrior
Hanzi - Mage
Susannah - Priest

I recognize Smilodonna, Krazykemist, and Senoji from the forum so far, anyone else around? I used to play frequently with a priest named Twinkwannabe and a mage named Tiggie. I haven’t seen either of them in forever, any of you guys reading?

Or how about Wrath Dynasty lol

Hello! Who is this?

Mideon man. Might not have been Vanilla, but I remember running Naxx with you for your staff. Then tanking the demon boss in Strat to help you finish the questline.

Verdeloth and Dezzar here.
Vanilla, BC and WOTLK

The Crimson Knights
Eye of the Storm
Rival Nation
Alone (Dabo, Shan, Gooey, Eneia)

Hit me up:


What server are you rolling Gooey??


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Gooey & Mideon! Oh man it’s been a while…

I led so many raids with so many people during the early days of Uprising in BC. I am very much hoping that Classic will eventually include BC.

This list will be a random smattering of people’s names that pop into my head, I know I’m going to forget people:
LF Sackiiiiii (and that deep french smoker’s voice), Shan, Berg, Uzi, Oomki, Deagol, Denetus, Grundle, Dabo, Ephdisk, we had some great hunters, rogues and warriors that I just can’t remember atm, Romo comes to mind, and that guy with the TF Thalmos? and that warrior who always tried to fury tank and failed… And a really mouthy Pali that I loved to play with… god what was his name (not gooey, the other one… gooey is just all love…).

I think my favorite memories were the early runs in Kara and Gruul’s when we were first figuring our crap out. And that first kill in SSC… lots of cheering. And that time in Mag’s when Uzi went down but we picked it back up… only to blow it when I made the crap call to just power through Mag’s 30% enrage thing and not properly time the stun with the cubes… THAT didn’t go so well.

Anywho, I’ll be playing on Atiesh with a small group of people from work. I’d love to reconnect and level with old friends. IDK if I’m going to raid yet as I’m rocking the family life these days. But I’m definitely planning on playing pretty consistently.

Egberts out.


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Nightsilver here, I was going through all the replies and i pulled out all following names and guilds that i clearly remember and hoping to find you all in classic. I am rolling on Pagle PVE Horde (probably as Nightsilver main, Undead priest)

I am currently in CTR Omen (Convert to Raid) on aerie peak in bfa, and we have decided on Pagle and Whitemane (PVE and PVP) as both factions on both servers. We have a massive community coming together on both servers, including CTR guilds, AIE (horde on aerie peak), Starting Zone Podcast community, several others including Thyst (from laggingballs podcast) and its going to be a great time!

So if you know of any of the above mentioned communities/podcasts and want to roll with us, Pagle (PVE) or Whitemane (PVP) is where you can find us.

I pulled all these from these posts:

Drowning (Most Famous troll in vanilla)
Vvalmart (Took over for Drowning later, as best troll ever)
Primal (EOE GM)

And here is a short guild list that I remember from then:

Raiders of the Lost Pie
Iron Brotherhood
Measure of Faith
Crimson Knights
Echoes of Eternity

So if you are the above person(s) or know how to contact them, hit me up at Raevynwillow#1327 and we can re-connect and looking forward to classic!

Kefka! He became a warrior when BC came out! Us two were always fighting for warlock DPS spots on the charts. I lost touch with everyone once I stopped playing in BC/Wrath. I’m starting to remember more and more. We should all try and coordinate on the same server when Classic comes out.

Hugeboned! Dude, I am jazzed to read that name again, lol! I hope you’ve been well. I’m knots#1157 if you wanna add me.

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Was Xnyper, a Dwarf priest that stayed discipline anyway. Nightbaby hated that, haha.
Was in Infamous and some other random smaller guilds.
Missed playing with Dragoons, Stolenpride (Uprising), Uziga’s insomnia meant for some alts. Wanna say those are all Aerie Peak before the free transfer wave to Quel’dorei…

Mickeyjay, Rith, Delaney, Jukes, Drtran… Think those mighta been after server change…

I remember Mideon and Traezz, but not sure if I played with you directly. I stayed out of public channels specifically to not read Drowning, haha.

Hey. Uziga here. Former GM of Uprising and whatever. I can’t post on Uziga because of inactivity, so you’ll just have to believe me.

I will not be playing Classic, or any other version of WoW. Accept no imitations.

But I’m on Discord at Cain#0160, if anyone wants to get back in touch. I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XIV for the past six years, and I’m a healer main now, if you can believe it. I’m on the Brynhildr server, on the Crystal datacenter, on the off-chance someone here also plays XIV. See also: https:// na . finalfantasyxiv . com/lodestone/character/4367691/

Have fun, friends. Don’t kill yourselves over an old game all over again.

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Jukes! That was his name! Thanks for reminding me.

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Millermike human warrior. I learned to raid from a few of you people back in BC. Quite a few of you were inspiration to start raiding in fact. I remember most of these names.

46and2, Kronaan, and several others from the way back vanilla days and BC/Wrath have decided on Pagle - PvE Alliance for now - subject to change on Monday

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idk if u remember me, i played gnome mage zodiak or zodiakchick or something i was noob casual

i remember merrin’s letter memes from wetlands, taking hours to do baron w/ groups split back like 2 rooms back and how we couldnt kill vael even after u got 11k+ mana with the 2.0 patch pre tbc release

Hey all,

I used to play a human warrior named Yursan and a night elf hunter named Glorinar.

Used to be in the guild The Gold Alliance and Futurama.

Friendos were Healingpal, Dacroth, Gandolph, Cat, Radu, Artos, Vetofor, Matyarra… any of those ring a bell to anyone?

I don’t know if yall remember her, played around 2006

Amadalia, A Human Warlock, looking for old friends/acquaintances