Aerie Peak Alliance Reconnections

What about Uziga crying?

I used to play a Night Elf Warrior named Flaira (I believe that was the correct spelling) back in 2006 right around the time AQ gates where opening.

jesus christ some familar names here , twas a human lock named tellenaa in order of wrath

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t drowning a huge douche?

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I thought this was out of my system, but Blizzard manages to get their hooks in ya some way.

The walk from Darnassus to Stormwind sure brought some memories back playing on the test server.

Howdy Mho! Been such a long time. Hope you are doing well.

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Memnon here from Lux Aeterna, really cool to see the familiar names in here! I sent Nightsilver a BNet request, and I already had a couple folks, but for anyone else who’s interested, mine is Context#1426. Would like to roll on the same server as some of y’all!

Watty Watsonio or toastedbuns wher my names

Currently lf Wnec guild
or anyone else who might know me btag is watty#1820

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i remember you

Holy crap dude i remember you

Hey Aerie Peak friends! Long time no see.

Proud, Gnome Mage from Avalon here to say hello! Really miss playing with all you, great server community :smiley:

If you remember me or want to play together, find me at Camel# 1527



You might remember me as Wickedcruel (Warlock) or Hamhocks (Shaman). Did a lot of kara runs together. I still speak to Art fairly regularly.

I remember Drowning, quite the troll. I also remember Grand Marshal Philotas, spent many, many hours on his vent server.

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Played a human rogue named Hockeymask, and a human warlock named Wickedcruel. Started a shaman in BC named Hamhocks. Can’t remember guild names for the life of me.

Yo, I think I was on here during TBC onward.

Human Warrior: Corden
Night Elf Druid: Daltus
Night Elf Death Knight: Vendelo

Can’t remember the first guild I was in, though I do remember another being Raiders Of The Lost Pie.

Looking for anyone from:
The Fire Within
Malevolence (might of been bc)

Is Senoji, regulated to alt status. Used to be a human male. Crociata and I are definitely rerolling for classic! Wondering/hoping some old faces might be around. If you wanna get in contact my bnet is planetmfkr#1994

What the heck is up! How ya been? I hope you are going to hop into some Classic for a bit when it goes live! I’m not sure what server I’m gonna do yet, but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna go Normal, not PvP, cause that’s just a horrible way to level. LOL!
Have you seen any of our other comrades from the good ole days?

Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well!
It’s cool to see alot of old faces posting here. While i did not play in AP in Vanilla, i was there just around the end of TBC as Envý, Human Warlock & GM of Insanity. A bunch of our original group is returning for classic and i’d love to see if there are any other familiar faces from Aerie Peak interested in joining us. Message me on Discord for more info at Envy#6450.

Specifically looking for anyone who ran raids with us on 10/25m. Good luck to everyone rerolling in classic <3

I think I recall raiding with you and Dominique. Dom was showing me the warrior tricks and helping me learn the game of the time. I played as Armaros, a human warrior back then.

I was a NE Druid named Firel. (It was the one i’m posting under but he moved around a bit)
If anyone remembers me let me know :slight_smile: