Old character: Finalrest, Aerie Peak
Guilds: Phoenix Ascension, Uprising, Alone
I’m on Grobbulus now on Finalrest or Wicks
Old character: Finalrest, Aerie Peak
Guilds: Phoenix Ascension, Uprising, Alone
I’m on Grobbulus now on Finalrest or Wicks
Old character: Conroe, Aerie Peak (Male Human Paladin)
Guild: Rival Nation, Measure of Faith, Fusion
Forever searching for: Yablo
Been playing on Pagle Alliance (Character: Insanez) since Vanilla Classic.
Hello all…
I played under a few names:
Cenobite/ Albignome/ Rockemshockem some others:
Was gm/co-gm of wrath/tbc clan Perdition: But also ran 6-7 lich king pugs aweek
If anyone needs a home, A-Pagle We would love old players thats run with me before… Thanks! And “Enjoy your gaming”
What a long, strange trip it’s been! I see a few familiar faces already!
Ghangaskhan here! Dwarf, holy pally. (Went Genghis Khan after I got title!)
GM of Majestic Angels + Co-GM with Io in NO PRESSURE.
Guildie of: PLZ Dont Feed Teh Nubs, Mail Enhancement, Eminence, Phoenix Ascension, NO PRESSURE & Fusion.
Wish I could remember everyone in MA because I miss all of you!
Ripaly, Mairnalnyear, Fyrewyrm, Lluna, Roxxy, Rxforyou, Bleax, Emitx, Rockerman, Swiftrooney, Atlas, Adveshan, Grizzlydwarf and many more!
Ripaly was my officer in MA over 13 years ago. We now live 40 mins apart and game almost daily together.
Currently enjoying the Wrath Classic hype.
Bnet is Superman#11977
Hope to find some long, lost friends! <3
Name: Sloththesin
Guild: none
Race: Night elf
Class: Hunter
I’m looking for a few close friends that got lost over the years, Bravowardog (human Warrior), Cwhite (night elf warrior level 60) and another friend that use to hang with Bravo and myself but I cant remember his name. Hopefully they can reach out =)
battle.net tag Memories#1941
Gnome mage: Notus
Just seeing if there’s still anyone out that from uprising.