Aegwynn Horde Reconnections

Valai - Undead Warlock
Northern - Tauren Warrior (TBC)

I was in Goombas with Jetpacks (or something like that, can’t remember the exact name) which then turned into SSDD. I remember getting server firsts in MC and BWL. I was 13-14, not super social, and probably really bad at the game so I’m not totally sure how I got into raids.

I remember the names Kocoa, Dugrim, Runitsthecia, Hempman, Milkme, and most of all the Troll Warrior Noompsie from the guild BITES THEIR THUMB AT YOU. That guy was hilarious and my friends and I still talk about him sometimes.


Dude, I remember you well! Lots of good games fought together. Brodius, I was in Not Enough Players, Shatter, and a few others that I can’t seem to remember lol.

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Kushkronic - Warrior, started playing 2 weeks before TBC came out, was in Nymphomatik then another guild before server xferring mid-wrath, I remember Emptywalls, Aldorena, Beckett, Iluvu, Fatherland, Insayne, Gleeba, if anyone is still around hit me up

Former NEP player here.
Also played with Soldiers of Wrath

Character was this guy, undead male mage named Wuvluv.

Going to be an ally warrior. “Jr”! See you all out there!

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I remember you as well! Good to see some OG Shatter, NeP, Respecced, people still around.

I’ll add to this!

Guild: Legend
Class: Warrior
Character: Reach
Race: Undead
Played as MT/Raid Leader.

Looking for some familiar faces! Thinking of picking up classic!


Tauren Warrior

I did hella BGs and hit at least rank 11. I remember always going against Pwnercycle and his infinite heals. Good times…

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WUVLUV!? I hella remember you lol

LOL Dantheman and Donatello, I’ve miss y’all

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Reach! Finally someone from legend posted!

-Vegeir, Tauren Druid, Legend

Hey all! Lot’s of great memories of Aegwynn. I know and miss many of you!

-Nimos from Soldiers of Wrath

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Holyfckinsheet. REACH!!! it’s me KAMATAYAN, your offtank hahahaha

Finally someone from Legends,

Offtank and pvp duel buddy

Sup Vegeir! I It’s me Kamatayan, brother of Kalabaw the other druid of Legends :).

Hopefully some other Legends peeps show up like Caladbolg and Krusher


Where are you planning on playing??

Hopefully we can get a little crew together perhaps!

Add me on b-net rccola#1124


It’s been so long!! Hopefully we can get a crew!!!

Add me on B-net rccola#1124

Reach! Vegeir!
I was hoping to see you post. I had to call up Grimy to get his bnet login as I don’t have a level 10 toon which allows me to post :frowning:.

Krusher Here (Shaman, Healer/Beater of Hempman in 1v1 duels). Grimy (Rogue) and Aleon (Priest) will be installing Vanilla. We made characters on Fairbanks. Forced is on the fence if he’s coming back (Server 1st Sulfuras Hammer?). Would be good to catch up. My battle tag is Krusher #11399. Since I can’t post until it goes live - see you on the 27th!

Oh lord, I missed you Kamatayan! Yo! Here’s hoping for Barron & IcedOut to pop their heads up (I’ll never get enough of the Barron/Reach MT saga, too fun!)

Lol this whole post thing is pretty funny and cool that Blizz did it.
Chew Undead Rogue here from SSDD :slight_smile:

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I missed our daily duel before raids :slight_smile: your one shot chainlightning is always missed :slight_smile:

Hahaha I forgot about that guild! I think that was after we made the guild “Nagas Stole My Bike” then someone reported it and the GMs made us change it. LOL You must have played with ichill and Mega as well ,but they don’t play anymore.