Advice on server for OCE player moving to US realms

I’m OCE players (singapore) want to create new character for next season in the US server for more stable ping (Im okay with 200-300ms as long as its stable)

Ping is really bad at OCE server… 170ms at the lowest but in the sometime it spiked to 1200ms… even this afternoon it spiked to 2000ms when in SS at facing US server (Tichondrius, Illidan, etc)

I was at 2400 rating but tanking to 2200 because that ping and go 0-6 in 2 rounds (worst feeling ever)

What US server is recommended for low latency?
Is low pop server recommended since we can send money cross realms now?

Most of the NA servers should be fine. I’d recommend avoiding the overpopulated servers though like Stormrage, Sargeras, Illidan, A52 etc. Medium pop servers like Dalaran are probably more appropriate. Note: Pay no attention to the server status in the in-game list. It hasn’t been accurate in years. You’ll end up with around 200-300ms ping like you said.

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OCE-Frostmourne is flakey even if you’re at <25ms, the server is just overloaded.

The deader oce servers are better, but I’d assume your ISP’s singapore<->sydney routing is the real issue.

So on that logic, I’d suggest a medium pop pacific US server

You can check raider-io Realms tab for US->Pacific & then sort by population… go down a bit until you find something both small & large enough for your taste.


Thanks for the input! After checking in server population, I think i’ll join Thrall server because I will be horde


Thrall is a great server around this time because I believe the players (like me) are on the US East Coast, so there won’t be as many people on but there will still be a healthy amount of players to interact with. I do stay active at West Coast times though, which is why my Alliance characters are on Proudmoore.

If you need any help, I have my hunter and monk on Thrall and will be willing to lend a hand if need be. I’ll be leveling a rogue there for the MoP Remix event too

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Thanks for the positive reply! I’ll hit you up if I need any help <3

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We can? As far as I’m aware, we cannot send gold cross realm, unless that realm is a connected realm.

Unless you are not talking about sending your own alts gold via the mail system.

Yeah, you can. You just need two characters to get it done: one on source realm and one on destination realm. (a friend you can trust or two accounts)

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This is what I suspect to be the issue here. I would highly recommend trying a VPN first.

Though I gotta say I purposefully spent 6 months just playing on the US west coast side (160-170 ping from my place) and there are just so much more people.

When cross-realm trading via groups was introduced, it became possible to trade goods and gold to characters from another server.

You need someone you trust. You (on the server with your gold) group with your friend who takes your gold. You then log off that toon and onto one of your characters on the server where you want the gold to go. Your friend then gives you your gold/goods back.

OP: is Thrall an east coast server? Wouldnt that increase your latency even more?

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And unless it is trading between accounts that are both yours, they are unsupported.

great choice! i have a bunch of characters there and it’s a fun server.

I would argue against Thrall. Not only is it a large server but it is also east coast which is physically about as far as you can get from your geographical location. You want something on the west coast (which I don’t know off the top of my head).

Also please keep in mind your server is 100% irrelevant. Content is cross faction and realm and even next expansion we’ll have cross realm guilds. The AH for consumables and mats is region wide too. Do yourself the favor and pick a server that physically is closest to you as that is the best way to reduce latency overall.

I say this as someone who presently lives on the east coast but plays on a central server (30-50ms on average). I actively avoid mythic+ runs with an OCE person because my ping goes up to way unplayable levels (300+).

A server and their population and faction balance means next to nothing at this point. Really.


Hey man thanks for your input!

After checking world map yeah it was closer to west coast than to east cost… And i just discovered that Thrall is east coast server. It’s very logical to choose the closest one to singapore…

What do you think about Deathwing? It’s a low pop and west coast US - server

I know nothing about the server but like I said, the actual server is all but irrelevant today and even more so in TWW since guilds will be cross realm by them.

I’d just make the toon there and see how it is. Find a random/spammy guild for guild perks and stick to pugging and/or networking and looking to join a more “proper” guild that aligns with your playstyle/times if you deem it necassary later this year.

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Thichondrious and Hyjal are good west coast servers for horde.

But this does feel like more an issue on your end instead of OCE servers.

200ms ping from Singapore to Australia doesn’t make sense. It either means your ISP is routing badly, the ISP is throttling your connection or you have other people on your network using up all the bandwidth for things like torrenting / uploading. The pings going from 200ms to2000ms is very indicative of your bandwidth being restricted somehow.

I would investigate that first before switching realms.

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Hey man thanks for your input!

The ping on world content was stable around 170-180… But it spiked to 1200 and sometimes 2000 just on arena / pvp content when i faced US players (Tichondrus, Illidan, etc) especially around peak hour

I think it is less likely bcs uploading or torrenting since I’m the only one using internet from my apartment (I live alone)… Nevertheless, I think I’ll try changing my internet provider too


Yeah just realized that Thrall is an east coast server, Tried it and got 280ms
Currently I’m also leveling new character at Deathwing with 220-230ms, quite acceptable for me since I’m used to play with 170-180ms

Cool. Just be aware that a ping of 1200 or 2000 is not due to you playing on Oceanic. That is an abnormal latency which is likely to do with something like your ISP, a problem with the route somewhere, or some local issue.

If it keeps happening Id suggest putting in a post on the Technical forum. The blues will likely get you do provide some test results to try and figure out where the issue is.\

PS: I just logged on to a character on Dalaran, which I believe is an East Coast server, and my world ms is 217. And that is waaay further away from me than Singapore (Im about 1.5 hours drive from the Oceanic server in Sydney).

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This, definitely check your ping on the new servers before going whole-hog.

And consider a realm on the West coast, so some late night folks there still might be playing with you. Otherwise it’ll be pretty dead probably.

You could also see if there’s any guilds that play in Hawaii? They might play on US servers, but also have a very different time :slight_smile:

Looks like you might play classic - Classic world of warcraft looking for Hawaii players : r/Hawaii (

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Yes I’ll try figure this ISP thing first and maybe change my internet provider if it’s the problem


Yeah I’ll leveling first on this new server and see hows it going
I tried classic for few weeks but it feels kinda boring so i went back to retail …

PS : Thanks for the advice guys, didn’t expect much and you’re all being very helpful :white_heart: - This is my first time posting at forum ( bcs i repeatedly had toxic experience wow players especially in-game pvp)