Advice for rdruid against pres evoker

Im getting gatekept by pres evokers.

I’ll fight my way up to 1900 getting 8 rating at a time going 3/3 generally and then I hit a pres evoker and go 0 - 6 tanking all the way to 1800 ish.

Honestly, the seem a bit OP. Tons of damage, tons of mobility, impossible to CC with nullifying shroud, tons of healing, clears all my hots with a fire breath, can move while casting sleepwalk.

What are some ways druids are beating pres evoker in solo specifically, but in arena in general.

How do we deal with nullifying shroud?
Is there some purge protection I’m unaware of? Other than lifebloom spam which honestly may just be it.
Tips on avoiding sleepwalk?

I feel basically global locked, and he seems to get his cast off before I can even press tranq most of the time if he starts casting it as soon as I press a hot.

Thanks. =[

1 tip i use is mass entangle them then triple clone shroud off then bash them into clone. If ur team mates are helping get shroud off u wont even need to triple clone. They should be helping. Also if u cant get near them during shroud. Then triple clone off dps then swap it onto other dps. At least ur slowing enemy damage during the shroud.

Other than that try to save overgrowth for after thier big purge with flame each time when possible. Not always possible.

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Root dps with insta root in tree form and then when he dispels just root the evoker and he’s just stuck there perma.

Root also goes through shroud

Track tip the scales on omnibar so you know when he has insta cast firebreath purge and try and save overgrowth for it

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Great tips already thank you.

Cyclone. Just cyclone. Our heals are casts and hots, both hard countered by clone. Fake cast the kick capable dps to get precog then cyclone them, then as evoker stays nearby ready to heal them at end of it swap cyclone to the evoker. GG. Forget roots outside of tree form forget anything else. Just cyclone everything and anything on dr

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I feel like a good pres is a menace into rdruid. Especially when they rip off all of your hots during a DPS go and so on.

I think it comes down to the DPS to tab and punish them due to their short range.

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It does feel a little like a counter to me. I haven’t done much solo since i made this post but i have done some twos.

Focusing on abusing roots and cyclone spamming off shroud while they are rooted has made them much more comfortable to compete against so far.

Thank you for the great advice!

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  • Try to save OG for when the fire breaths kleptos come in

  • Well timed roots kinda destroy Pres. Can’t rescue or VE

  • Low clones on dream breath are god tier. IF you can land low clones on DPS as the voker presses dream breath and get triple clones out of that it’s legitmately catastrophic from the evokers PoV

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