Hey, I recently decided to create a Blood Elf Death Knight after seeing some cool artwork of one earlier, and I felt like basing this character off the artwork would be fun too.
I currently have my character set up as a tank considering WoW guilds are in need of some good tanks, is there anything I should know about tanking in this game?
Secondly, is there any Death Knight armor set that looks similar to the lich king’s? The Blood Elf I saw in the artwork had armor very similar and I wanted to know if there was a set in the game I could get.
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If you don’t know the routes and mechanics you will be heavily flamed (in current content like mythic+ or raiding). If you need advice on talents, going to my characters profile and changing the spec to blood will show you the correct ones to use.
I would say the most similar one is the set from the Nighthold raid in Legion. The Icecrown Citadel set also looks lich king esque.
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Yes. There’s a set called the “Dreadwyrm Battleplate.” Specifically the Mythic coloration. It’s obtained from Mythic Nighthold and Emerald Nightmare.
Here’s the concept art of the set.
Here it is on a Blood Elf.
What I will say is that tanking on a death knight is quite different than tanking on other classes. Azerite traits for blood DK are quite awful and rhey didn’t end up scaling well at all. They do fine in raid, but in mythic+ they feel like overly squishy punching bags that are constantly one global away from dying. The big thing to focus on is item level for the most part. You want a decent amount of health. Once you have item level, then you focus on stats, specifically versatility.
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Emerald Nightmare(Mythic) and the Nighthold(Mythic) have the LK armor, close as you can get.
As for tanking, just search Lichkung(on youtube, see what endish game BDK plays like with a troll setup), since it’s late expansion, honestly just gear up to goof around. Not much going on these days.
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