Advice - Classic to Cata - How to get better

Hello, I just came to classic after many many years off, realized my character automatically moved to Cataclysm. The server I am on is practically dead, and I need an active AH.

It’s either Benediction or Pagle. I read the drama between the two and I dont care. I just want to play, craft, and progress with no stress. Pagle has the higher pop, so I assume the AH will always have what I need, any insight?

Also, as my main in classic was a niche, fully equiped AOE prot pally, used mainly for dungeon farming and boosting, but now we have taunts and pulls, so it looks like being a main tank is legit now.

Anyone with experience have some tips and advice for a caveman who was just unfrozen. I raided in WOTLK with a priest, but that was easy playstyle. Tanking is a bit more involving. I use clique and weakauras and feel comfortable so far, but are there other addons that people feel are necessary to use as a prot paladin?

lvl73 now, I love soloing with this character, chasing gear, farming mats.
Random dungeons have no problems holding aggro. I really wanted to enjoy the TBC and WOTLK content slowly but I guess we’ll see how Cataclysm pans out.

I really want to go far with this character. Any advice is welcome, thanks.

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well Paladin is a very strong tank right now so it’s a good class to be, and if you care you can look up builds for where to put your talents. Cataclysm onward they made it so that tanks almost have to try to lose threat while tanking, only real scenario where you’d lose aggro is if you are running around trying to pick up several groups and your dps just go full blast right away.

right now the Joyous Journeys buff is active so that will increase the XP you gain so if you want to take it slower then you can go turn that off by talking to an innkeeper, though it will also end on its own on the 18th most likely. there should also be some free transfers off the dead realms to some of the more populated ones.


Honestly join the server’s discords and see if you can find a guild on either that you like then xfer there. Both servers have an active AH and community.


You can’t go wrong with either server.

I chose Pagle because it was the highest pop Ally server, and so far it’s been pretty nice. The AH almost always has what you’re looking for, and SW is usually packed. The only issue is that it’s 95% Ally and there’s almost zero Horde players here.

Benediction, I’m not 100% sure about. I haven’t made a toon there yet, but I did have a friend who mains that server, and he was a hardcore raider. I think Bene will probably have more hardcore players, at least from the reputation that server has.

Really, you could try rolling a fresh toon on both servers and go from there.