4/9M, 9/9H <Adversaries> LFM for multiple raid teams!

This is a mother f*cking bump!

Bumping the post.

Happy short work week, everyone! Just a morning recruiting bump.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Hope everyone is enjoying their food comas. And for all of you Canadians out there, happy Thursday, I guess?

Thanksgiving weekend recruitment bump!

Happy reset day, everyone. Hope y’all got the craziest 395 TFs of your dreams. Our recruiting office is still open for business and wants to talk to YOU! insert Uncle Sam your country wants you meme here

Mythic team is still looking to recruit all RDPS, with possible openings for MDPS. Heal and/or tank OSs are great!

Adversaries is still actively recruiting for both raid teams, send us a message!

A tank spot is open for the mythic team.

3/8M down! And off to begin infecting ourselves with 58 varieties of diseases on Vectis tomorrow night we go.

Bump for the new week.

We still have high priority going forward for mage and other exceptional RDPS. RSham with an Ele OS is also a highly attractive candidate (or Ele with a Resto OS).

1 week until 8.1!

A tank spot is open for the weekend team! Feel free to contact me even if you are not one of the classes listed!

Both teams are still recruiting for all listed positions, but we’re always happy to discuss recruitment with all interested parties.

Definitely interested, sent requests on bnet/discord.

Another day, another recruiting bump. I should make some sort of catchy acronym about that, but ADARB is just weird.

Hope everybody is having a good weekend.

It’s Monday! I don’t know why I’m using exclamation points, but apparently I am!