Adventures: Into the Breach - bugged?

One of the achievement for the Shadowlands mission table is named “Adventures: Into the Breach” and requires that your followers beat the series of maw missions that reward Soul Ash (Each mission starts out with “Maw:” in its title). The missions are:

Breach the Planes
Ghelak’s Revenge
Coalescing Stygia
Topple the Giants
Dark Skies, Darker Prospects
Dravok’s Plot
Grandiose Designs
Cutting the Threads
Shades of Despair
Krala, Wings of Woe

After beating the first two initially, for me it has just kept repeating the third mission, “Coalescing Stygia,” every week (which I always complete, getting the Soul Ash). This weekly repetition of “Maw: Coalescing Stygia,” has been the case for about two months. My followers are all level 49.

I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if it’s just RNG, or if there’s some extra criteria or trigger that has to be met before it continues advancing through the series (like follower levels or adventure campaign progress, of which I’ve finished 15/20 of the adventure campaign missions), so thought I’d make a post to ask if others have experienced the same thing or if it goes smoothly for others.

If it’s bugged, then it’d be good for people to report it. But it’s one of those things that’s hard to get a read on, because few people pay attention to these kinds of achievements, and the mission tables in general get ignored by a lot of people. At the very least, if it’s functioning as intended, it seems pretty poorly designed if it can repeat the same mission for months, despite completing the mission, instead of advancing.


I am having an issue very similar to yours. I completed the Breach the Planes mission successfully several times now and still haven’t seen any other Maw Missions appear on my mission table.

I’m really hoping this isn’t a bug, But instead just really bad RNG luck.

It’s dependent on your follower levels but the exact requirements aren’t clear. Once I got several followers over level 50 I started seeing more missions and now I’m at 9/10.

From WoWhead comments it appears some people are at 10/10 but it seems to require having 5 level 60s. I just got all my followers to level 60 so I should see the 10th mission some time soon.

My guess is that this can bug if you’ve switched covenants, like it’s tracking the follower levels of the original covenant instead of the current one.

Edit: I finally got one other than the first 4 even though I’ve had many lvl 60 adventurers for a while…

I think it’s time to just call it a bug and report it as a bug, which I’ve done here: Command table "Maw" missions bugged.

I’ve had all my original followers at level 60 on the mission board since around the time the patch dropped a couple weeks ago. I’ve still never seen any “Maw” mission other than the initial four for the achievement.

I’ve read the wowhead comments, and come across comments here and there about it elsewhere. Sure, a rare few people have had it continue on. There’s no consistency to what makes it happen, and brushing it off as, “well, it’s just RNG” means they intended for this series of missions to have some ridiculous spike in unavailability after you get done with the first 3-4.

I don’t think it’s just RNG. Especially since early on, the missions would just follow one week after the other, and the versions of the missions that have the word “Maw:” in it never repeats (indicating that the intended design was probably for us to get the next one in the chain the week following a successful completion of the prior one).

I think something in the command table algorithm for this series of missions is broken. Once every very rare while some person might get past whatever’s broken about it, but this functionality just seems too ridiculous to be intended.


Any updated information on this? I continue to see lots of speculation on places like WoWhead, but nothing solid. I’ve gotten the first 6 done but since completing Dravok’s Plot I just continue to get a loop of the first two quests: Breach the Planes and Ghelak’s Revenge.

I’m Nightfae - all Companions are level 60 - I have done all of the other Into the Breach Missions but “Krala, Wings of Woe-Altar of Domination” does not appear. My companions have been max level (except the 3 new ones) for months now.

I have done all. the only one I’m having trouble with is Krala wings of Woe. I have done it twice now with no credit the next time trough I will turn off all me add Ons before turning it in. I dont believe you have to win but just complete. Also always do the mission when they come upthey have black backgrounds it helps with the RNG cycle