Adventures Available Missions Updated

anyone else notice they have done more balancing to the mission tables than they have classes?


Nope. Nobody has noticed. Not at all.

No, it hasn’t but least you could upgrade them with armor and weapons, that’s how you leveled them. Well past the xp part, but you had missions designed for it.

And the abilities did what they said they did. :’)

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Cool. Glad the night fae crybabies blatently abusing an obvious broken system not only got to benefit and keep their status and position, but that they only had to suffer a teeny tiny taste of what vethnyr and kyrian people have had to endure since day 1.


I wonder if that means its safe to get that 4th pet mission done

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On an unrelated issue, can you ask your companion pet dev to fix Jingles the pet so he’s not a bugged Unknown and can be leveled with stones, please? Only asking since this must annoy you too, Kaivax. =)


Good change. Shouldn’t have needed to be a hotfix, but better late than never.

Why are you mad that Blizzard introduced a catchup system for new followers?

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They kinda did actually. The new champions in legion you unlocked with Legionfall “Tomb of Sargeras Zone,” started at max level and epic quality.

By then you probably just forgot you had to level AND quality them up by running missions, this unlocked their second ability or extra gear slots on some of them.

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oh lovely, I’m glad you’ve moved swiftly to correct any negative effects any players in blizzards favourite covenant might have experienced.
Shall we be buffing convoke next? perhaps buffing their movement ability as well?

I’m sure you’ll be including NF in your next round of adventurer/troop buffs, Can’t possibly have the other covenants draw close to your poster child, now can we…

Here’s to another 3 months minimum before venthyr and others can even think of attempting a mount mission, while NF everywhere are running around with 1- all 4 possible mounts already


As somoene who plays kyrien and night fae, BS, never even seen a mount mission.


shrugs and I’ve talked to a good number of peeps running around my realm who have some or all of the mounts.

And they all have super model canadian girlfriends too i’m sure.

Bro, you do 10 ten clicks and send your boys off to do stuff, what effort are you putting in?


I’ll ask the same question I asked the dude above me.

Why are you mad that a catchup system got introduced? Do your followers automatically get scaled up making such a system redundant for you?

Night Fae players have the mounts in large amounts. You can legit see them in Oribos running around on them. The changes are good, but Night Fae players have been getting the mounts earlier than anyone else.

Just irritated that the instant blizzards poster-child covenant is inconvenienced, they get a hotfix almost immediately, while other covenants were left to stew for months.


It’s been a few weeks. That’s not instant. Would you rather they do nothing and everyone suffer, just to stick it to the NF?

Not only that, but the bank they must have made on completing augment rune missions as well as ones that awarded epic items to d/e for the first couple months of the expac—when things are worth ridiculously more than normal, settled prices. Something only they got to cash in on.


Being mad that someone else also benefits from a change that also benefits you seems dumb as hell tbh.

The real money was in the enchanting cache missions, and I got just as many of them on my Kyrian Monk than I did my NF Lock.


Noticed this today. Thanks for the update.