[H] 9/10M - T/W - CE-focused drama-free guild - LF brew, melee, boomkin, mage

Still looking for cloth dps and a flex healer.

Weekend bump for cloth dps and a flex healer.

Up for a healer!

Healer bump

bump with updated needs.

weekend bump for cloth!

still looking for a healer who runs keys.

Yes we are!

Bump for new classes.

Bump for flex toons.

Reset bump for needed classes.

Bump for needed classes.

Morning bump for new folks.

Bump for ranged dps!

Online and ready to chat.

Midday bump

reset bump. Need that cloth dps.

reset bumps ftw

I sent a FR to Pims#1410 , couldnt seem to get discord pm to work. see you soon perhaps if you will have me!

Added. Will chat with ya tonight.